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A businessman from the Upper East Side, Oleg Mitnik, said that federal agents had betrayed him by releasing two people accused of preparing to kill him, writes The New York Post.
“The man who was supposed to kill me was released from prison after 16 or 17 months, and the one who ordered my murder is also free. This is justice. I’m terrified,” Mitnick said.
In search of justice, the man decided to appeal to the Supreme Court of Manhattan. He is filing a lawsuit against his father-in-law, Anatoly Potik, and his separate wife, Ronit Mitnick, in which he demands to pay 20 millions of dollars in compensation for emotional suffering and slander.
The alleged scheme of assassination unfolded against the backdrop of a long and scandalous divorce proceedings between Mitnick and Ronit.
According to Mitnick, Potik and 70-year-old Boris Nayfeld, also known by the nickname Biba, a member of the Russian mafia in New York, were planning to kill them.
Potick was arrested in January of 2016, accused of having ordered Nyfeld to kill his son-in-law, for which he promised to pay 100 000 dollars.
If the murder had happened, then Potika’s daughter would have received $ 7 million - it is for this amount that Mitnick’s life is insured, and before the divorce, the beneficiary of this sum is the wife.
According to the businessman, she would also inherit his real estate worth about 9 million dollars. A native of Vinnitsa Mitnik owns a large freight transportation company. TRT International with an office in Newark, New Jersey.
Mitnick says he managed to thwart the murder plan by calling the police and offering Nyfeld 125 000 dollars to cancel the Potick order.
In this he was helped by the mediator, who carried out the order of the murder, Boris Kotlyarsky, writes “TVNZ".
A former Kyivite Kotlyarsky told Mitnik that Anatoly Potik allegedly decided to kill him and hired Nayfeld for this. However, the mediator added that he was personally acquainted with the murderer and could dissuade him if he were offered not 100, but 125 thousand dollars. Mitnick, Kotlarsky and Nayfeld discussed this topic at several meetings that were carefully recorded by Mitnick and the FBI agents. As a result, 14 January 2017, Mitnick handed 50 thousands of dollars a deposit for refusing to kill, to Nayfeld, and within a week federal agents arrested all three of the defendants in the case: Kotlyarsky, Neufeld and Potiq.
Boris Nayfeld. Photo:
The fact that Potik ordered the killing of Mitnick has not been proven. In the case of Nayfeld and Kotlyarsky, there is evidence that when Biba was in Russia, Kotlyarsky contacted Mitnik and said that his life was in danger, and they ordered him to kill the ominous Biba, who Kotlyarsky knows well and can dissuade. It turned out that Anatoly Potik was not going to kill his son-in-law, there was no order, and Biba and Kotlyarsky had a staged scam to get 125 thousand dollars from Mitnick.
However, the fact remained that Oleg Mitnik contacted the FBI with a statement that his father-in-law decided to kill him and hired a killer. It turned out that either he came up with this in order to win the divorce case, or they told him about it in order to intimidate him and get money. The first was refuted by Mitnick’s recorded conversations with the “middleman” and the “killer,” but the contract murder case fell apart.
As a result, Kotlyarsky and Nayfeld pleaded guilty not in preparing a contract killing, but in extorting money from Mitnick, and Nayfeld agreed to cooperate with the prosecutor's office and testify against Kotlyarsky, who was eventually sentenced to 41 month in prison.
The case against Potik was closed. Potik was prosecuted until 1985, and according to the lawsuit, he allegedly told Oleg Mitnik that he had used the murder "to resolve business disputes in the past."
“Potik is a very dangerous person. The one who smiles in your face and stabs you in the back. Every time I leave my house, I have to look around, use different exits and take different roads,” Mitnick said.
According to him, he began to carry weapons with him and does not believe in his safety, in which the law enforcement officers are convinced that the case was publicized and the customer most likely refused to implement the plan.
Nayfeld acknowledged his role in the case and, after serving in prison for about two years, was conditionally released early in October 2017.
Naylfeld said he would like to return to Russia, because in the USA he had lost everything.
Read more about Boris Nayfeld in our material “How Russian mafia captured America".
But Mitnick does not believe these words.
The businessman believes that his father-in-law, who, according to him, has long-standing close ties with the Russian and Italian mafia, so easily escaped his conclusion for planning his murder because he helped the authorities in investigating some other cases.
“They (federal agents) sold me for other things. I think this is wrong,” said Oleg Mitnik.
In the suit, the businessman also claimsthat his wife and her father have stained his name, spreading rumors that he framed Potick, preparing false murder charges.
Oleg Mitnik says that Ronit's claim that he ordered the murder was an invention of his has caused a quarrel between him and the couple's two children - a 19-year-old son and an 18-year-old daughter.
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