Plumbago Plants: How to Grow and Care for Plumbago (2024)

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Plumbago Plants: How to Grow and Care for Plumbago (1)

The Cape Plumbago, also known as the sky flower, is a fascinating evergreen shrub originating from South Africa, now flourishing in South Florida.

Revered for its beautiful white flowers, this plant is not only captivating but significantly contributes to the overall charm of any landscape. It blooms year-round, producing clusters of flowers that add a whimsical touch to cottage gardens.

What makes the Cape Plumbago unique is its incredible deer resistance and attraction to butterflies, thus encouraging biodiversity. Its beautiful bloom contrasts beautifully with its dark green leaves, making it an eye-catching addition to your garden. The vines are strong and healthy, with stems that can stretch and intertwist, creating an ideal ground cover.

Although it requires well-drained soil, Cape Plumbago proves to be quite a hardy plant. Its resilience to drought and good soil drainage requirements allow it to flourish in both full sun and part sun conditions.

Even in areas susceptible to frost, this beautiful flash of nature stands firm, reminding us of the beauty of life year-round.

With its year-round bloom and attractive foliage, the Cape plumbago is a popular choice for cottage gardens. Its evergreen nature ensures that it provides interest throughout the year, while its white flowers add a touch of elegance to any landscape.

As a master gardener, I’m really excited to share all my tips and experience growing plumbago. You’ll find everything you need from growing, and caring, to how to solve common problems in this article.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Botanical Name: Plumbago auriculata

Common Name: Cape plumbago, sky flower

Family: Plumbaginaceae

Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen shrub

Hardiness Zones: 8 – 11 (USDA)

Sun Exposure: Plumbago auriculata

Soil Type: Prefers good soil drainage and well-drained soil

Soil pH: 5.0 – 7.0, Slightly acidic to neutral

Bloom Time: Blooms year-round in suitable climates

Flower Color: Blue or White flowers

Native Area: South Africa

Plumbago Plant Care

Cape Plumbago is a versatile evergreen shrub that lends itself well to many landscape styles, from cottage gardens to more contemporary designs.

This plant thrives in full sun to part sun and requires well-drained soil for optimal growth. It’s important to ensure good soil drainage, as Cape Plumbago is susceptible to root diseases in waterlogged conditions.

The plant blooms clusters of beautiful white flowers year-round, which are a magnet for butterflies. Despite its delicate appearance, Cape Plumbago offers excellent deer resistance.

It can tolerate drought conditions and can survive a light frost, though it may lose some leaves. This shrub can be trained into vines or used as a groundcover, adding versatility to your garden design.

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Cape Plumbago, also known as the sky flower, relishes the full sun but can also tolerate part sun conditions.

Originating from the warm climates of South Africa, this evergreen shrub is familiar with enjoying the sun throughout the entire day.

However, it can also perform well in partial sunlight, showcasing its distinct clusters of blue or white flowers profusely. For gardeners in South Florida, this adaptability in light requirements makes it a winning choice.

Nonetheless, providing the plant with more light encourages a more compact growth and vibrant blooming. This makes the Plumbago, an outstanding performer in the realm of cottage gardens.

Regardless of lighting conditions, good soil drainage is key to its thriving health.


Cape Plumbago thrives best in well-drained soil. Good soil drainage is fundamental in preventing the roots from becoming waterlogged and developing root diseases.

This magnificent South African native is quite forgiving and can tolerate a range of soil conditions, however, it prefers slightly acidic to neutral, rich, loamy soil for optimal growth.

The plant’s drought tolerance allows it to grow in less ideal soils, as long as it’s guaranteed its preferred well-drained conditions. Incorporating organic matter into the soil at planting time can significantly improve its overall quality and enhance the beauty of your landscape.

It’s these impressive qualities that make Cape Plumbago an excellent choice for South Florida gardens and houses throughout the year.

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Cape plumbago is quite forgiving when it comes to water requirements. While it appreciates a regular watering schedule, it also exhibits remarkable drought resistance, making it an ideal choice for gardens in areas prone to dry spells.

However, to ensure its vibrant bloom of white flowers, it’s recommended to water the plant deeply and thoroughly, particularly during the hot summer months.

It’s essential to keep in mind that good soil drainage is crucial for the plumbago; waterlogged or consistently damp soil can lead to root rot. Therefore, well-drained soil is a must for this resilient shrub.

Temperature and Humidity

Cape plumbago thrives in the warm temperatures of South Florida. This plant is frost-sensitive, so it’s important to keep it in an environment where temperatures stay above freezing year-round.

It can withstand some drought, but for optimal growth and bloom, it prefers well-drained soil with a balanced level of humidity. Colder climates may cause damage to the leaves and stems, restricting the plant’s ability to produce its distinctive clusters of white flowers.

During the hottest part of the day, it is best placed in part sun instead of full sun to help maintain the desired humidity levels.


Cape plumbago has modest fertilizer requirements compared to many garden favorites. While it thrives best in well-drained soil, it doesn’t demand high levels of nutrients.

A slow-release fertilizer applied in early spring can boost the growth and bloom of its stunning white flowers. It’s crucial to ensure good soil drainage to prevent water stagnations which could harm the plant.


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Cape plumbago benefits greatly from pruning. It can become quite unruly if not kept in check. Pruning not only helps maintain the plant’s shape but also encourages new growth and clusters of blooms.

Pruning should occur after the vibrant bloom cycle, which can last year-round in the right climate. Trim back stems to maintain size and cut out any dead or diseased wood to promote good soil drainage and overall plant health.

While Cape plumbago is drought and frost-resistant, pruning helps this cottage garden staple maintain its striking presence within any garden landscape.

Types of Plumbago

  • Plumbago Auriculata: Plumbago Auriculata, also known as Cape Plumbago, is an evergreen shrub that offers a year-round display of stunning blue or white flowers. These flowers bloom in clusters, creating a stunning visual effect in any landscape.

Plumbago auriculata – Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

  • Plumbago Europaea: Plumbago Europaea, also known as common leadwort, is a charming addition to cottage gardens with its sprawling vines and clusters of white flowers that attract butterflies.

Plumbago europaea – Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

  • Plumbago Zeylanica: Plumbago Zeylanica, or the Ceylon leadwort, is a versatile plant that can be trained as a vine or used as a groundcover. It boasts clusters of white flowers that bloom year-round, attracting butterflies and adding a touch of beauty to any garden.

Plumbago zeylanica – Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

  • Plumbago Scandens: Plumbago Scandens, or Doctorbush, is a type of plumbago that’s perfect for cottage gardens. It’s an evergreen shrub that offers year-round interest with its vibrant green leaves and clusters of white flowers that bloom under full sun or part sun.
  • Imperial Blue Plumbago: Imperial Blue Plumbago, or Plumbago auriculata ‘Imperial Blue’, is a stunning variety that boasts vibrant blue flowers. Like the Cape Plumbago, it is an evergreen shrub that can also be grown as a vine.

Imperial Blue Plumbago – Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

How to Plant Plumbago From Seed

Choosing the Right Location

The first step in planting plumbago from seed is to choose an appropriate location. This evergreen shrub thrives in full sun to part sun conditions, making it a versatile addition to any landscape.

Preparing the Soil

Good soil drainage is essential for plumbago, as it helps to prevent root rot and other diseases. For the best results, choose a well-drained soil that’s rich in organic matter.

If your soil is heavy or clay-like, you may need to amend it with compost or other organic materials to improve its drainage. The plant’s vines will spread, creating a beautiful groundcover, so be sure to provide enough space for it to grow.

Planting the Seeds

Once your location is chosen and the soil is prepared, it’s time to plant your plumbago seeds. Sow the seeds directly onto the soil surface, as they need light to germinate.

Water the seeds gently to moisten the soil, but be careful not to overwater. Plumbago is a drought-tolerant plant, so it doesn’t require a lot of water to thrive.

Caring for Your Plumbago

After planting, it’s important to care for your plumbago to ensure it grows strong and healthy. Keep the soil lightly moist until the seeds germinate and the seedlings start to grow.

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Once established, the plant is quite drought-tolerant, but it will appreciate regular watering during dry periods.

Plumbago plants are frost-tolerant, but they’ll benefit from some protection during particularly cold winters. Cover the plants with a layer of mulch to insulate the roots and stems from frost.

How to Propagate Plumbago

Step 1: Selecting the Right Plant

First and foremost, it’s essential to select a healthy Plumbago plant, preferably one that is already in bloom. The Plumbago is a stunning evergreen shrub that produces clusters of white flowers year-round.

This plant is known for its deer resistance and its ability to attract butterflies, making it a popular choice for cottage gardens and landscape designs alike.

Step 2: Cutting the Stems

The next step is to cut the stems. Choose healthy, strong vines that are not flowering. Cut a 6-inch piece from the vine, ensuring that you make the cut just below a leaf node.

The cutting should have several leaves attached, but remove any leaves from the bottom half of the stem. This will help the plant focus its energy on root production.

Step 3: Preparing the Soil

Plumbago thrives best in well-drained soil. Good soil drainage is crucial to prevent root rot and ensure the healthy growth of the plant.

Prepare a pot with a mix of peat moss and perlite to ensure the soil drains well. The pot should be placed in a location that receives part sun to full sun, as Plumbago plants enjoy a lot of light.

Step 4: Planting the Cuttings

Now, it’s time to plant the cuttings. Insert the bottom half of the stem into the prepared soil. Water the cutting thoroughly and place it in a warm, bright location. Remember, Plumbago is a sun-loving plant but can also tolerate part sun.

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How to Pot or Repot Plumbago

Step 1: Selecting the Right Container

Choosing the correct container is crucial for the growth of your plumbago. This evergreen shrub prefers a large container that can accommodate its extensive root system and allow for good soil drainage.

The container should have several holes at the bottom to ensure excess water can drain out. This is important as plumbago thrives in well-drained soil and can suffer root rot if left in waterlogged conditions.

Step 2: Preparing the Soil

Plumbago, known for its stunning white flowers that bloom in clusters, requires a rich, well-drained soil to grow optimally.

You can prepare the perfect soil mixture by combining equal parts of garden soil, compost, and coarse sand. This mixture will ensure that the soil drains well while providing the plant with the nutrients it needs.

Plumbago is a resilient plant with good deer resistance and can thrive even in drought conditions with the right soil.

Step 3: Potting the Plumbago

Now that your container and soil are ready, it’s time to pot the plumbago. Carefully remove the plant from its current pot, making sure not to damage the stems and leaves.

Place the plant in the new container and gently fill in around the roots with your prepared soil. Ensure the plant is firmly in place but not overly compacted.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Step 4: Positioning the Plant

Plumbago, with its sprawling vines, is a versatile plant that can serve as a groundcover or a standalone feature in your landscape. It thrives in full sun but can also tolerate part sun. P

lace your recently potted plumbago in a sunny spot in your garden, or if you live in a frost-prone area, you may want to keep it in a spot where it can be moved indoors during the colder months.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases for Plumbago


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Mealybugs are small, white insects that can infest the leaves and stems of plumbago plants. They feed on the plant’s sap, which can cause the leaves to turn yellow and drop off.

Mealybugs also excrete a sticky substance known as honeydew, which can lead to the growth of sooty mold on the leaves. Regular inspection and natural predators like ladybugs can help control these pests.

Powdery Mildew

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Powdery Mildew is a common fungal disease that affects plumbago, particularly when they are grown in conditions with poor air circulation and high humidity.

It appears as a white, powdery coating on the leaves, stems, and sometimes even the flowers of the plant. This can lead to leaf drop and a general decline in the plant’s health.

To prevent this, ensure your plumbago is in a location with good air circulation and avoid overhead watering.

Root Rot

Root rot is another disease that can affect plumbago, particularly if the plant is grown in poorly drained soil.

This disease is caused by a fungus that thrives in wet conditions and can lead to the yellowing and wilting of leaves, stunted growth, and eventually death of the plant if left untreated.

To prevent root rot, it’s crucial to plant your plumbago in well-drained soil and ensure it has good soil drainage.

Common Plant Problems and Solutions for Plumbago

Brown Tips

Brown tips on Plumbago leaves often indicate that the plant is not receiving enough water, especially during periods of drought.

Plumbago thrives in well-drained soil with good soil drainage. Therefore, ensure the plant is watered regularly, but avoid waterlogging the soil.

Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves are usually a sign of poor nutrition or a lack of full sun. Plumbago, known for its clusters of white flowers, requires full to part sun to bloom year-round.

Additionally, enriching the soil with organic matter can enhance nutrient availability, promoting healthy, green leaves.

Deer Damage

Despite their deer resistance, Plumbagos can sometimes fall victim to these garden guests.

If you notice nibbled leaves or stems, consider installing a deer-proof fence around your landscape or applying a deer repellency spray.

Frost Damage

Plumbago plants are not frost-hardy. If the leaves and stems show signs of frost damage, such as browning or wilting, protect the plant during cold spells with a frost cloth or move it indoors if it’s potted.

Poor Flowering

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If your Plumbago is not producing its characteristic white flowers, it may not be getting enough sun. These plants thrive in full sun but can tolerate part sun. Increase the amount of sunlight it receives, or consider moving the plant to a sunnier location.

Insect Pests

Plumbago plants are a favorite among butterflies, but they can also attract less welcome insects. If you notice damage to the leaves or vines, consider using an organic insecticide or introducing beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, into your garden.


Plumbago plants, with their sprawling vines, make excellent groundcover in cottage gardens. However, if left unchecked, they can become invasive.

Regular pruning can help maintain a manageable size and prevent the plant from overtaking other garden features.

Other Flower Guides from Planet Natural:

Sow and Grow: The 12 Easiest Flowers for Seed Starting

Express Gardening: Rapidly Growing Flowers from Seeds

24 Orange-Flowered Perennials for Every Zone

Plumbago Plants: How to Grow and Care for Plumbago (16)

Melissa Pino

Melissa Pino is a biologist, master gardener, and regular contributor for Planet Natural. Melissa’s work focuses on promoting environmentally-friendly practices, helping people create healthy gardens and finding ways to achieve overall health and wellness.

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Plumbago Plants: How to Grow and Care for Plumbago (2024)


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