Ready to Start Homesteading? Here’s How to Do It on Your Own Terms (2024)

Remember “The Oregon Trail” computer game? It was designed to teach schoolchildren about the harsh realities of pioneering life. That lesson was always driven home by images of a covered wagon falling into the river and the heavily pixilated message: “You have died of dysentery.”

But modern-day homesteading doesn’t have to be so extreme. There are lots of different ways to go about your homesteading journey. Here are some of the most popular types of the practice and how to get started.

What is homesteading?

Self-sufficiency is at the heart of homesteading. Back in the day, those original settlers couldn’t just walk to the corner store to fetch a loaf of seeded bread and a jug of oat milk. Instead, they had to be totally self-sufficient and live off the land.

Homesteading today takes the idea of only consuming what you can create and applies it to modern life. Whether you’re looking to lower your environmental impact, challenge your survival skills, or just find a new hobby, there’s a variety of homesteading for everyone.

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If you’re going with the OG concept, a homesteader would be as self-sufficient as possible. You’d be living off the land as much as you could with no outside support.

But let’s be real. You might have a day job that you’re not quitting any time soon, or you might have other health or logistical reasons you can live off-grid. That’s OK! Homesteading doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can choose any level of homesteading that works for you, and build on it as needed to make it yours.


This level of commitment requires living totally off the grid, like on a farm or ranch. You’d probably:

  • use solar power
  • have access to well water (or another natural source)
  • grow, raise, or hunt all your own food
  • can or preserve food to feed yourself throughout the year
  • make your own textiles

For any necessity you couldn’t extract from the land, you’d have a side hustle. This side hustle, like a roadside veggie stand or soap-making venture, could bring in cash or you could use it to barter with other homesteaders.

Less “Little House on the Prairie”

If you’re like #Nope to living off the grid or making your own outfits out of the wool you’ve shorn from your very own sheep, you can opt for a more manageable level of homesteading.

  • keeping a chicken coop (for eggs)
  • getting a goat (for cheese)
  • tending a garden to grow your own veggies

Looking for your own side gig? Maybe your herbal apothecary business could kill it at all the local farmers markets or mom-and-pop shops.

Homesteading super lite

If the goat’s a deal-breaker, and you’re not giving up your salary or the occasional Sunday brunch, that’s OK. There are plenty of things you can invest in to make yourself more self-sufficient, including a:

  • victory garden
  • compositing pile
  • rain barrel
  • small canning and preserving setup

Plus, you can hone a craft on the side if you have dreams of building a side-hustle and turning it into something more. (But there’s no rush.)

City slicker gone green

Even if you don’t own land (even if you don’t have a yard) you can still dabble in homesteading concepts without trying to sneak a cow into your studio apartment. You can try:

  • growing some greens on your patio or herbs on your windowsill
  • getting your sourdough starter on
  • scoping out a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) for some kombucha-making

If you’re not feeling DIY yet, you can check for a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program in your area so you can skip the supermarket sometimes.

In the Greatist Guide to Homesteading, we threw the rules out the window. That was easy, because there aren’t really any rules on how it’s done, anyway.

You don’t have to be entirely self-sufficient to be following homesteading principles. You can start with whatever interests you most and then work up from there. Here are a few ideas.

Growing your own food

One of the key pillars of homesteading is growing your own food. *Googles how to grow chocolate croissants.* OK, so you’re probably not going to grow everything you eat — unless you’re going full boss-level homesteader. But if you’re looking to get started with gardening, check out our beginner’s guide.

Fertilizing the soil

The totally self-sufficient gardener doesn’t drive to Home Depot for fertilizer — they feed their plants with compost. Composting your kitchen scraps cuts down on what ends up in the landfill and cuts down on things you need from the garden store. It also enriches your soil with nutrients and acts as a natural fertilizer for your veggies, herbs, and flowers.

Watering the plants

You can always crank out the garden hose to water your plot, but a rain barrel and soaker system makes you more self-sufficient and saves valuable resources. This type of system can collect thousands of gallons of rainwater — and save you cash on your water bill.

In a nutshell, a rain barrel harnesses the water that collects on your roof and in your gutters. If you then attach a soaker-hose system and weave it throughout your garden, you can simply flip a switch when you need to water. Easy!

How can you land a rain barrel of your own? Check with your utility company. They might offer a discount on rain barrels. You can also order one online or through your garden center or supply store.

Other options

Don’t have a yard? You can grow some veggies indoors, even in small spaces. Plus, lots of food you get from the supermarket can simply be regrown in water without even using soil.

If you can’t grow your own food, or you find yourself unable to grow certain things because of space constraints (or because your cat knocks everything over, you can still tap into homesteading principles.

For more homesteading space, join a CSA, visit farmers markets, or head to nearby u-pick farms for berries and other produce. You can also forage for fungi and other edible plants. Just be sure to do your research before chowing down.

Canning and food preservation

Storing all the food you grow (or get) to make it last longer is another principle of homesteading. You can eat some of it now, but what do you do with that bumper crop of cucumbers that you can’t possibly consume right now? Hello, pickles! Get your canning and preserving game on.

Not sure what’s your jam? Start with jam. It’s one of the easier things to preserve with three simple ingredients. Keep in mind that lots of foods can be frozen to boost shelf life, too.

Raising backyard chickens

If you’re interested in raising animals, you can get your feet wet with a few friendly backyard chickens. But before jumping in, do your research.

First, consider your time. Chickens need daily care such as feeding and watering. And you have to keep their spaces clean to avoid health concerns for them — and you. You need to be careful with handling chickens and eggs to avoid Salmonella, so read up on safe practices.

Next, consider the laws. If you live within city limits, find out what your town’s municipal code allows.

Your fine feathered friends will need a safe space in the form of a coop. You can buy one or build your own if you’re feeling crafty. (That would be very homestead-y of you, BTW.) The coop should keep your chickens safe from predators, like coyotes and foxes, at night.

Your hens will also need a nesting box for all that egg-laying action. And, you should also prepare a large, fenced-in chicken run for your birds to peck around and get in their delightful dust baths during the day.

Not all chickens are the same, especially when it comes to laying eggs, so know what breed you’re interested in getting before you buy.

So, there you have it, homesteading doesn’t have to be hard to help you and the planet. Remember, you can choose any level of homesteading that matches your comfort zone and time constraints.

At its core, homesteading is about becoming more self-sufficient, whether that’s growing some of your own food or learning to patch the not-on-purpose holes in your pants.

Self-sufficiency can save you money, like lowering your grocery bill. But it can also empower you when life feels sort of out of control. No matter what your motivation is for homesteading, have fun with it!

Ready to Start Homesteading? Here’s How to Do It on Your Own Terms (2024)


What to do first when starting a homestead? ›

How To Start A Homestead – Step By Step
  1. Step 1: Consider What Homesteading Involves. ...
  2. Step 2: Set Goals For Yourself. ...
  3. Step 3: Decide Where You Want To Live. ...
  4. Step 4: Make A Budget. ...
  5. Step 5: Start Small. ...
  6. Step 5: Continually Simplify Your Life. ...
  7. Step 6: Learn To Preserve Food. ...
  8. Step 7: Make Friends With Other Homesteaders.

How do I start homesteading today? ›

On to the list!
  1. Create Your Vision. ...
  2. Pay Off Your Debt And Create (and use) A Budget. ...
  3. Assess Your Property. ...
  4. Start NOW. ...
  5. Learn To Preserve Food. ...
  6. Prepare For Animals Before Bringing Them On The Homestead. ...
  7. Be Prepared To Learn. ...
  8. Make The Most Of Free Resources.

What is self homesteading? ›

: the act or practice of living frugally or self-sufficiently (as on a homestead) especially by growing and preserving food. While homesteading is full of … delicious homegrown food, and quality family time, it is also chock-full of chores and life lessons.

Where is the best place to start a homestead? ›

10 Best States For Homesteading 2023
  1. Tennessee. Rural Tennessee is already a popular location for sustainable living enthusiasts, with a fantastic harvesting season of around 9 months of the year, there are low property taxes and costs.
  2. Idaho. ...
  3. Oregon. ...
  4. Maine. ...
  5. Michigan. ...
  6. Connecticut. ...
  7. Montana. ...
  8. Alaska. ...
Feb 9, 2024

How to start homesteading without money? ›

10 steps to start homesteading, on the cheap
  1. Simplify your life. This would be the first thing to do when you want to start homesteading. ...
  2. Make homesteading friends. ...
  3. Start gardening. ...
  4. Preserve what you grow and what you gather. ...
  5. Learn to sew. ...
  6. Get starts from other people. ...
  7. Plan ahead. ...
  8. Cheap chickens.

How much land do you need to run a self-sufficient homestead? ›

For the average family of four, you can expect to grow a year's worth of food on three to five acres. We really do think that five acres is the sweet spot because it allows you to stack your animals and really utilize permaculture practices. One acre for gardens, perennials and fruit trees.

How many acres do you need to be self-sufficient? ›

However, it is possible to create a more self-sufficient lifestyle on a larger piece of land. Estimates for self-sufficiency typically range from about 1 to 10 acres per person, depending on the factors mentioned above and the desired level of self-sufficiency.

Can you live off 1 acre? ›

The truth is you can be self-sustaining on a 1-acre property but it takes work, education, dedication, and time. So, if you have an oversized lot or small acreage and want to be as sustainable as possible, here are some ideas and suggestions on how to get started creating a self-sufficient homestead.

Can you start a homestead with nothing? ›

You can start homesteading with no money because you can begin right where you are! There are simple skills you can start learning now that will make homesteading a reality. So many people think homesteading means acquiring a large portion of land, getting livestock, growing a huge garden, etc.

How do you realistically homestead? ›

How to live a modern homesteading life in 5 simple steps?
  1. Analyze your current lifestyle. Sure, location matters, but the first step toward a self-sufficient lifestyle it's not necessarily buying land. ...
  2. Make a realistic plan. ...
  3. Find solutions for effective waste management. ...
  4. Switch to renewable energy.
Feb 12, 2024

How do you practice homesteading? ›

101 Skills for the Modern Homestead
  1. Milk a goat, cow, or sheep.
  2. Compost both kitchen scraps and animal manure.
  3. Make the perfect pie crust.
  4. Learn how to cook a whole chicken.
  5. Grow a vegetable garden in your climate.
  6. Know how to properly prune and graft a fruit tree.
  7. Learn first-aid and CPR.

Is homesteading a healthy lifestyle? ›

Physical Health Benefits

The physical activity involved in homesteading is obvious. Tending to a garden, caring for animals and general property maintenance require a significant amount of physical labor. This kind of natural, functional fitness keeps the body active and healthy.

What are the disadvantages of homesteading? ›

Cons of Buying Homestead Property:
  • Limitations on Property Usage: Homestead laws often impose restrictions on the use and development of the property. ...
  • Reduced Mobility: Homestead property typically requires a certain level of commitment, as it may limit your ability to relocate or sell the property easily.

What is a homesteading lifestyle? ›

Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and may also involve the small scale production of textiles, clothing, and craft work for household use or sale.

What should I know before homesteading? ›

Whether you merely have the sunny spot by the window or a big backyard, you should really start learning the year-round task of preparing the garden, managing food plants, and enriching the soil. Wrapped up in gardening are other homestead tasks such as seed-saving, composting, and managing pests.

How do you plan a homestead layout? ›

Homestead Planning Things to Consider
  1. What is your homestead land boundaries?
  2. Are your pasture slopes anything 30° or less that will help you to avoid erosion issues?
  3. Where will you build your home? ...
  4. Where and what are your water resources?
  5. Where will your animals be placed?
Nov 30, 2022

How do I make full time income from homestead? ›

Below are some of our favorite ways that you can make money homesteading.
  1. Grow Mushrooms. Growing mushrooms is obviously one of our favorite choices here at GroCycle. ...
  2. Sell Fresh Fish. ...
  3. Start a Christmas Tree Farm. ...
  4. Grow Microgreens. ...
  5. Sell Baked Goods. ...
  6. Raise Bees for Honey. ...
  7. Rent Bees Out for Pollination. ...
  8. Sell Extra Bees.

How long must a homesteader occupy the land before full ownership? ›

Claimants were required to live on and “improve” their plot by cultivating the land. After five years on the land, the original filer was entitled to the property, free and clear, except for a small registration fee.


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.