The Best Lion King Quotes (2024)

Disney's The Lion King is considered one of the greatest animated movies ever made. A massive critical and commercial success at the time of its release, it is still one of the most popular creations of the famous animation studio thanks to its great story, its epic music numbers, and its beloved characters.

The Lion King is perfect in almost every way possible, and it's often thanks to the likable cast of characters and their sayings. Many of The Lion King's most iconic lines are quoted even today. Even when the 2019 remake appeared in theaters, filmmakers were sure to include these well-loved lines to further memorialize these iconic The Lion King quotes.

Updated on July 7, 2024, by Michael Colwander: The Lion King has just turned 30 and continues to be a favorite among anyone who grew up on Disney movies. A big reason why is just how quotable it is, whether it's music or a joke. Even more great Lion King quotes have been added.


RETRO REVIEW: 1994's The Lion King Rules Over All Disney Animated Movies

Beloved Disney animated classic The Lion King is as enjoyable, moving and vital on its 30th anniversary as it was when the movie debuted in 1994.

25 "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts!"


After Scar overtook Pride Rock, Zazu remained imprisoned. While caged, Zazu begins singing "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen" by Louis Armstrong. Scar asks Zazu to lighten up and sing a more energetic and uplifting song. Zazu frantically starts singing the classic Disney tune "It's A Small World (After All)," which is quickly interrupted by Scar saying, "No, no! Anything but that!"

Zazu finally starts singing "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" by Fred Heatherton, which Scar later joins in. Quietly, Zazu quips he never had to do such a thing under Mufasa.

24 "I Laugh in the Face of Danger!"


The Best Lion King Quotes (2)

"I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger!"


Baby's Day Out Director Recalls Getting Destroyed by The Lion King 30 Years Later

Baby's Day Out's director recalls a Fox VP's shock over The Lion King destroying the film at the box office.

When he was young, Simba always admired his father and his uncle. Simba always strove to be as brave, powerful, and smart as the two of them. Especially since he would one day become king. When Scar manipulates Simba into taking a detour toward the elephant graveyard, he is all too eager to prove his courage.

Inside, Simba was terrified of what lurked in the elephant graveyard. With Nala accompanying him, he had to put on a brave face saying "he laughs in the face of danger" along with a fake laugh. That confidence quickly diminished as soon as the hyenas laughed and began to surround him and his companions.

23 "Run. Run Away and Never Return."


The Best Lion King Quotes (4)

Mufasa's death remains one of the most emotionally defining moments of any millennial's childhood. It's to not feel bad for Simba at that moment. Not only did he just tragically lose his father, but his uncle gaslighted him into believing he was solely responsible.

Simba asks Scar what he should do and Scar suggests Simba runs away. As Simba does, Scar sicks the hyenas after him to tie up the lone remaining loose end in Scar's coup, making him one of the most evil villains in any Disney film. However, Simba survives and even turns this quote back on Scar in the climax of the film.

22 "They Call Me Mr. Pig!"


The Best Lion King Quotes (5)

Throughout The Lion King, Pumbaa is a chill and laid-back character. For most of the film, it's tough to imagine him as angry or even violent. However, if there's one thing no one should ever call Pumbaa, it's pig. Unless you're Timon, of course.

During the climax, the hyenas are chasing Timon and he enters the cage housing Zazu. As the hyenas surround the cage, Pumba emerges at the cave entrance where Banzai calls him a pig, which results in a hilarious build-up and a reference to the iconic "They call me Mr. Tibbs!" line from the 1967 film In The Heat of the Night. Pumbaa then charges in and, almost single-handedly, fights the hyenas.

21 "Remember Who You Are."


The Best Lion King Quotes (6)

"Remember who you are" is one of the most quotable lines from The Lion King often used in times of wisdom, whether seriously or satirically. In The Lion King, it's one of the most profound moments.

As Simba finds himself at a crossroads, Rafiki leads Simba to a body of water, telling him he will see his father again. However, Simba only sees his own reflection in the water to which Rafiki responds, "He lives in you!" Simba's reflection changes to Mufasa and the former king appears in the sky. Mufasa reminds Simba that he's his son and the true king of Pride Rock. As he fades away, Mufasa repeats, "Remember who you are."

20 "You Got to Put Your Behind in Your Past!"


You know, kid, in times like this my buddy Timon here says: you got to put your behind in your past.

Pumbaa tends to get Timon's saying backward, but he meant well. It adds a fun dynamic to Timon and Pumbaa's fantastic friendship. Before he leaves to reunite with Rafiki, Timon instructs Simba to not bother with his past. He even goes as far as to say, "When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world."

Timon and Pumbaa might not be giving the soundest advice, but Timon is speaking from experience. The great sequel, The Lion King 1½, shows his life before he met Simba, and it's obvious he had to learn some lessons. It can be hard for a character to forgive the world when it beats them down. But turning away will never resolve the ultimate problems.

19 "You Won't Get a Sniff without Me!"


The Best Lion King Quotes (7)

The point that I must emphasize is / you won't get a sniff without me / so prepare for the coup of the century


10 Best Animated Disney Villain Songs, Ranked

This list compiles the most captivating and deliciously evil Disney villain songs perfect for a sinister sing-along 100 years in the making.

Scar's villain song, "Be Prepared," remains one of the most terrifying visual spectacles in the Disney villain song pantheon. It starts with Scar putting on his best charm before he scowls at the hyenas. It's a stern warning; they must not stray from his leadership lest they suffer his wrath.

This song's line reinforces to the audience that Scar doesn't care about the hyenas at all and is purely using them as a tool for his coup d’état. He must crush any dissent and free thinking among his ranks, as he is powerless without the numbers to back him up.

18 "You Don't Deserve to Live."


The Best Lion King Quotes (9)

Disney movies are known as the standard for family-friendly entertainment, but that doesn't stop them from sometimes having absolutely killer lines. In the final battle against Scar, Simba lets his uncle know precisely what he thinks of him after learning he killed Mufasa.

Scar attempts to beg for his life just as his nephew spits out this line. Despite his cold-heartedness, Simba is happy to exile Scar from the Pride Lands. But Scar's refusal to surrender ends up being his own undoing. Matthew Broderick, Simba's voice actor, excels at delivering this harsh line, showing how much the young lion's patience has thinned.

17 "Friends? I Thought He Said We Were the Enemy!"


The Best Lion King Quotes (10)

The hyena trio — Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed — are minor antagonists and don't have many memorable lines. Although they're at the center of many hilarious moments throughout The Lion King. Regardless, Scar's ex-minions get the last laugh in the movie's ending.

Having overheard Scar blaming Mufasa's death on them, the hyenas circle in on Scar as they mock him with the aforementioned quote. If Scar hadn't been so cowardly and taken accountability for Mufasa's death, the hyenas likely would've helped him. Instead, they were his reapers.

16 "Being Brave Doesn't Mean You Go Looking For Trouble."


Simba, I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.

There is a reason Mufasa's death hits so hard for viewers, and it's because he imparts so much wisdom throughout the movie. One of his most significant nuggets of advice comes after he saves Simba from the hyenas.

Believing Simba has to prove his bravery, the cub ignores his father's wishes and ventures to the Elephant Graveyard. Simba barely makes it out alive before Mufasa comes to the rescue, at which point he reinforces the realities of courage. Simba learns in his adult years that true bravery doesn't mean looking for trouble, but preparing for it when it comes.

15 "A True King Searches for What He Can Give."


The Best Lion King Quotes (11)

While others search for what they can take, a true king searches for what he can give.


Mufasa: The Lion King Breaks a Problematic Disney Trend

The latest Lion King movie is a massive step forward for Disney's live-action remake slate and could redefine how the studio approaches other films.

This quote from the 2019 remake is a variation of Mufasa's "Circle of Life" lesson he gives Simba. He wants the young cub to understand that being a ruler isn't about constantly receiving but giving to his subjects.

Mufasa explains that life is a "delicate balance," and every living creature must maintain the balance to keep order. The 1994 film encompasses a similar "give and take" lesson, focusing more on the predators eventually becoming sustenance for the prey while the 2019 movie foreshadows how Simba matures into a leader.

14 "I Guess Even Kings Get Scared, Huh?"


The Best Lion King Quotes (13)

I guess even kings get scared, huh? But you know what? I think those hyenas were even scareder.

Young Simba frequently challenged his father's rules by going off on his own to explore the Pride Lands. This curiosity nearly got him in trouble with a pack of hyenas when he and Nala were investigating the elephant graveyard at the beginning of the film.

Thankfully, Mufasa rescued them in time, though it led to a scolding and a valuable life lesson. He revealed that even a mighty king can be scared when someone they love is in trouble. Simba could relate to his father despite dealing with a tense moment in their relationship.

13 "Gee. He Looks Blue.

TimonThe Best Lion King Quotes (14)


Did Scar Eat Mufasa in The Lion King?!

The Lion King has many fun nods to fun facts that enhance its story. But one theory adds a darker truth to an already somber tale.

Timon and Pumbaa are the perfect comedy relief duo. They are incredibly central to Simba's growth and arc, but they manage to be entertaining at the same time. Many of the funniest lines in The Lion King come from these two, and they remain one of the best and funniest Disney duos.

One of Timon and Pumbaa's quips shows they can also be considerate during more serious moments. When Simba is sad, they notice it and try to console him as best as they can. Before then, Timon points out that Simba looks "blue." Pumbaa misunderstands his comment, pointing out the lion's brownish-gold fur.

12 "What Do You Want Me to Do, Dress in Drag & Do the Hula?"


The Best Lion King Quotes (16)

Another of Timon's jokes is arguably one of his most memorable lines, which leads to an even more iconic comedy scene. When trying to come up with a plan to distract the hyenas, a skeptical Timon asks this rhetorical question. However, he doesn't expect to be doing the exact thing he was joking about.

The comedic hula dance number was removed from the live-action The Lion King remake, to the fans' chagrin. This was just one of many jokes that was lost in translation between traditional cartoons and high-quality CGI.

11 "Everybody Is Somebody. Even a Nobody."



The Lion King's Backstory Confirms Rafiki's Tragic Error with Scar

Disney Villains: Scar #1 revealed that Rafiki could have saved King Mufasa and Pride Rock. However, his relationship with Scar got in the way.

The loveable Rafiki lost some of his animated charms in the 2019 The Lion King remake. Fortunately, he retains his highly regarded wisdom that helps Simba regain his confidence and return to the Pride Lands after years in exile.

When he first confronts the adult Simba, Rafiki plays coy with his identity to spur the future king into remembering his own. Simba refers to himself as a nobody, but Rafiki quickly turns the phrase on Simba with helpful advice. Anyone feeling low could use Rafiki's words to bring themselves back up because everybody matters. Even "nobodies." This is a beautiful lesson for Simba and the audience.

10 "The Past Can Hurt."


The Best Lion King Quotes (18)

Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

The 1994 version of Rafiki was a fan favorite because of his joyful personality and wise words. He also wasn't afraid to go the extra mile to encourage Simba to stop Scar, which included hitting him in the head with his staff to prove a point. While Simba expressed pain and asked for a reason, Rafiki made the statement that his actions didn't matter and were "in the past."

Like past memories, Simba only had a few options to choose from. He could continue to avoid his problems or use his pain as a learning tool to avoid them in the future. It was slightly contradictory to Timon and Pumbaa's philosophy but still helped inspire Simba's return.

9 "You Are More than What You Have Become."


The Best Lion King Quotes (19)

You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Simba. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life.

One of the best fathers in Disney, Mufasa was always an important figure in Simba's life. Even after Mufasa's untimely death, his memory and/or ghost returned to Simba several times to give him guidance on his journey.

When Simba is at his most lost and vulnerable, Mufasa's spirit manifests and tells him about his diversion from his true path. It's evident that he is very loyal to his father and will always try to be the same good ruler as Mufasa. In the end, The Lion King is a film about the strong connection between a father and his son.

8 "Hakuna Matata!"

Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba

The Best Lion King Quotes (20)

It's our problem-free philosophy — Hakuna Matata!

One of Disney's most memorable songs is Timon and Pumbaa's duet "Hakuna Matata." It's based on the philosophy the two live by, meaning "no worries for the rest of your days," and they impart that wisdom to a lost but open-minded Simba. This is probably the most renowned quote from The Lion King.

During the "Hakuna Matata" sequence, Simba is shown growing up and transitioning from a cub to a teenager and into his adult years in one of the most iconic shots of the movie. It's a clever visual transformation that shows the progression of time and how Simba has changed over the years.

7 "Because It's Your Responsibility!"



Why Disney Originally Thought Lion King Would Fail

Not even Walt Disney Animation believed The Lion King would be a success -- but that sentiment might have actually helped the film.

Simba believes there's no point in worrying about bad things if nothing can be done about them. Though Mufasa often guides him, someone else reminds Simba about his real purpose: his childhood friend and future love interest, Nala. Nala is the one who relays the horrible news of Pride Rock's desecrated state. The lionesses and other animals are suffering under Scar's rule, so she quickly points out that it's his responsibility to deal with the Pride's problems.

Nala is the one who makes Simba return due to their close connection from their childhood, quickly becoming a romantic connection when they become adults. Surely, Nala's determination when confronting him is one of the reasons Simba respects her so much.

6 "The Great Kings of the Past Look Down on Us from Those Stars."


The Best Lion King Quotes (22)

Simba, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.

One of the most mature topics The Lion King explores is death. Much of the primary audience, children, view it as terrifying and unfamiliar. However, they are taught to accept it as natural. Also, the deceased's spirits will always remain in their loved ones' hearts.

In his "Circle of Life" lesson, Mufasa reminds Simba that those who came before him are always watching over him, even after they're gone. It's an important quote for his son to keep in mind whenever he's feeling lonely, especially after Mufasa's tragic death.

The Best Lion King Quotes (2024)


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