The Hutchinson News from Hutchinson, Kansas (2024)

1 Oct. 29, 1971 Page 6 Hutchinson News Friday, for Lincoln fifth Morris, 311 East Carpenter; Gail Wright. 15 East Campbell; WITCH'S CAKE is a delightful snack Maple; Cynthia and Raymond Vieyra, 118 East E. graders, from left, Larry Striplin, 1430 South Learn By Doing Fifth Graders Bake Witch's Magic Cake By MARY ANNE CRABB Fifth graders at Lincoln School found a recipe for witch's magic nut cake in one of their stories and made the cake in their classroom this week. Under the direction of teachers, Mrs.

Hazel Doherty and Mrs. Paralee Morris, each child participated in the two baking projects. They took the takes to the school kitchen for baking and served them the next day. The project is one in which class learning is applied to real life activities and is made more "relevant." Children learned the importance of knowing fractions and something about chemical reactions in the cake-baking projects, said Mrs. Doherty.

Later this semester they will use yeast to bake bread and will prepare Christmas cookies for gifts for their mothers. Luis Aleman of Cessna will visit the classes to describe working of machines at the plant here and will bring a decirnal chart and caliper with him to show the children. The children later will visit the Cessna plant. Another classroom guest has been Mrs. Glynn Alexander, 1019 East 21st, a former who spoke on Picasso and brought a sculpture and piclure from the library to Hints from Heloise Dear Heloise: Dear Heloise: If you use empty Ion milk cartons for daily garbage containers, you know how unsightly they are by the sink and what a mess they make if they tip over.

I keep mine handy, yet out of sight, this way: I bought handled, plastic milk holder at the variety store and attached it, with the handle out, to the inside of the cabinet door under the sink. By Heloise Cruse Now I can slide an empty box into the frame and it is hidden until it is full of garbage. It does not tip and is easy to replace with a fresh milk car-! ton. I use the handle to keep my dish cloth or sponge handy and a second milk holder to hold my detergent bottle. on A.

Taft (A no-mess Mrs.) Dear Heloise: Here is a good way to keep your dear family close to you in your daily life, I put snapshots on the refrigerator door with little magnets and that way I can change pictures more often. As our grandchildren change so fast, so do our pictures on the freezer door of the refrigerator in the kitchen. Mrs. Clifton Lambert strate her talk. The children then painted pictures containaling, Picasso-inspired motion and emotion.

Another practical project has been putting designs on material for a dress for the teachers. The children were shown how pattern pieces are fitted together. Here is the Old Witch's Magic Nut Cake recipe: 3 eggs 1 can pumpkin (L lb.) c. vegetable oil 12 c. water c.

sugar c. flour tsp. baking, soda tsp. salt tsp. nutmeg tsp.

cinnamon 1 c. yellow raisins c. chopped walnuts Beat together first four ingredients; add remaining ingredients and blend. Pour batter into three buttered, one(pound coffee cans and place in oven standing up. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour and 15 minutes, or until a straw from a witch's broom, inserted in the cake, comes out clean.

Cool cakes; turn them on the sides and frost with: 4 oz. cream cheese 3 tbsp. butter 1 tsp. lemon juice or vanilla box confectioners sugar Sprinkle with chopped walnuts. I salvaged an almost-new blanket my neighbor threw because she smokes in away bed and had burned two holes in it, one larger than the other.

This is what I did. I took felt, cut it in circles large enough to cover the holes, and appliqued them on both sides of the blanket with a buttonhole stitch all around the edges. Then I cut circles smaller than the first ones in contrasting colors and appliqued them over the larger circles of felt. They look like rosettes and add a very attractive touch to the blanket. Luella Speak We love you for sharing your idea with all of us.

This is much like the darling flower decals so much in style now. So no one needs to know they really cover burn holes. But don't smoke in bed! Heloise Dear Heloise: I never throw a cardboard gift box (the type that department stores use) away, and, as a result. have had to come up with a way to store them. Oth-; erwise our house would now be wall-to-wall boxes.

What I learned to do is the boxes down just as the store received them originally and then file all of them in one large carton according to size. You'd be surprised how many I can store in one carton. Now to find a place for the carton! Mrs. M.B. (Send your suggestions to Heloise, care of The Hutchinson News, Box No.

190 Hutchinson, Kan.) Drunk Who Made Call Was Invited Guest DEAR ANN LANDERS: Give better advice or give up. I refer to your answer to the hostess who discovered that a liquored-up guest used her phone one night to call tives in Venezuela, Honolulu and Geneva, Switzerland. By Ann I realize phone companies vary, but we have Southern Bell here in Dallas and it's a Federal offense to "misuse" another person's phone. If the hone company can't collect from the person who received call (they try), then the person who made the call is in big trouble. I don't think the Federal government would have just for one state, so it must be nationwide.

When the drunks and moochers and practical jokers (ha, ha, ha) find out that they are messing around with the Feds they might wait until they get home to make their long-distance 0 DEAR DIAL: Sorry, Mr. Joe O'Brien of Illinois Bell in Chicago tells me that in this particular case, no federal law was broken. The person who made the calling was an invited guest and there was no fraud against Ma Bell. The fraud was between the drunk and the owner of the phone. Ma Bell will do everything she can to helo the host collect for such calls, including investigation and documentation provided, of course, the wronged party wishes to institute legal proceedings.

Ma herself will not sue. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have done quite a lot of babysitting and enjoy it very much. There was this one woman who fell into the habit of not paying me the night of the job because (she never had anything smaller than a 20-dollar bill. Usually she paid me the next time, and although I didn't think it was fair I never said anything. Three months ago I sat for this woman and she didn't pay Favorite Recipe PEACH APPLESAUCE SALAD lemon gelatin C.

boiling water 1 3-oz. pkg. 1 applesauce c. chopped pecans c. 1 c.

peeled and sliced fresh peaches. with boiling water. Let chill until syrupy; add Mix gelatin nuts and peaches. One 12-ounce package of frozen peaches may be used. If used, substitute one cup applesauce, -halt from peaches for one-half cup boiling water.

syrup Mrs. Marlin C. Isern RFD 1, Ellinwood Send your recipes to Favorite Recipe, The Hutchinson News, Hutchinson, are judged by Jane Savage, home service director of the Gas Kan. The recipes Each one chosen for publication wins $1 award. Service Company.

Fact or Fancy Courtesies Honor Future Bride Saturday bride-elect, Leslie Ann Litton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Litton, 328 East 1st, has been honored with bridal courtesies. Miss Litton is the fiancee of Jack Yraceburn, 322 East 1st, son of Mr.

and Mrs. William Yraceburn, San Clemente. Calif. The invited guests at the parlies have included Mrs. Litton and the honoree's grandmother, Mrs.

Gail Gribble, 116 East 10th. A miscellaneous shower in the home of Mrs. Eldon Coleman. 2110 Wesbrook, honored Miss Litton. Others invited were: Judy McCormick, Rosslyn Stewart, Carole Richmond, Judy Terrell, Sarah Friesen, Richmond, Judy Terrell, Sarah Friesen, Mmes.

Mel Denton, Ross Stewart, Jim Chapman, Rod Wilson, Don Babco*ck, L. J. Polley and Helen Billingslea. The Robert Hodgson home on RFD 3 was the setting for a miscellaneous shower. Hostesses were Mrs.

Loren Colle, Sterling; Mrs. Harold Nelson, Nickerson; and Mrs. Hodgson. Those invited included: Gladys Lauver, Mmes. Henry Wagerle, Mel Schreiber, Jim Frank, Harold Detter, Earl Ditgen, Walt Cody, Dale Hobbs, Dick Klassen and Bill Risley, Nickerson.

Linda Colle, Mmes. Larry Nininger, Don Eilerts, Kenneth Crouse, Steve Detter, Hutchinson; Harvey Graber, Pretty Prairie; and Jack VanRiper, Emporia. Mr. Yraceburn will be host for the wedding rehearsal dinner this evening in the Rambler Steak House. Guests will be the future bride's grandmother; members of the wedding party; and their husbands or wives.

MR. AND MRS. Peter A. Quint of Dodge City, and Mr. and Mrs.

Ray. J. Goetz, Victoria, observed the 50th anniversary of their double wedding with a mass in the St. Fidelis Church in Victoria, where they were married. A reception and -dance in the Victoria VFW Hall fol- lowed the mass.

Mmes. Quint and Goetz are sisters, the former Elizabeth and Leoba Von Lintel, respectively. Hosts for the event were children of the honored couples. The Quints' children are Floyd, Dodge City; Messrs. and Mmes.

Clarence Quint, Liberal; Edwin Dreher, Hays; Clyde Quint. Broomfield, Fred Kuntzsch, Scott City; Kenneth Quint, Westminster, and Don Quint, 3101 Northwestern. They have 27 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The children of Mr. and Mrs.

Goetz are Messrs. and Mmes. Ted Boxberger, Hoisington; Ernie Pike, Ben Loman, Marvin Goetz, Victoria: Rayme Windholz, Duncan, Albert Weigel Charles Quint and Mrs. Mabel Hayes, Hays. Doris Mayo, Bluff Mrs.

Thomas Ashlock Jr. is to Dighton; Plisek, Sycainformation on a communi- City; and Nancy get ty conservation project to pre- more, games. sent at the next meeting. MR. AND MRS.

Vincent SimThose who help mons and Mr. and Mrs. Roy will with the children's Halloween parade on Froetschner Jr. were hosts Saturday, Oct. 30, are to the Pawnee Promenaders Mmes.

John Reed, Dance Club in the Ronald Connor, Kent McMillen, Keith Messen- Square Larned. Terhune, Ronnie Tay- Woodman Hall at included: ger, and Tony Fullmer. Devotions Out-of-town guests lor Melody Kimbrel, Wichita; were given by Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur Mrs.

Connor. Mimes. Terhune and McMillen Besthorn, Holyrood; Kenneth were in charge games; Kimbrel, Ensign; Otto Wirth, of Mrs. W. R.

Duncan was co-hostess. Claflin; and Buster Kidd, Dodge LANGDON'S Triangle Study City. Messrs. and Mmes. Harry Club met in the home of Mrs.

Schenk, 'Earl Sneath, Harold Wes Nunemaker, with Mrs. La- Dodge, Russell Dueser, Caroll Verne Tilton serving as co-host- Warlor, Fred Maneth and Phil Bartholomew, Great Bend. ess. Charles Leet called for the The program was given by square dance. Mrs.

Lee Shepard of Pratt, There are 21 grandchildren and chairman of music talent audieight great-grandchildren. tions. Mrs. Bob Reece gave i a SPEAKER for a meeting GFWC report; Mrs. Bob Nuneof the Ness City Gradatim Study maker presented devotions.

Club was 0. J. Marcus of St. John, who has been making MRS. DON Rodebaugh will candles as a hobby past give the program on the art of for the three years.

choreography for the Women's Marcus displayed about 100 Civic Center Club meeting at candles, and told how he makes 2 p.m. today in Women's Civic his own rubber molds before Center. pouring the candles. She will describe the scienGuests for the meeting in the tific as well as the aesthetic Ness City United Methodist approach to dance, illustrating Church were members of the with assistants, Luann WasingRansom Monday Evening Club. er.

Lisa Krause and Tammy Mrs. E. R. Nye, Gradatim presi- Shea. dent, was in charge of the pro- Tea hostesses will be Mrs.

(i. gram and served as hostess. G. Hays and May Hartford. A HALLOWEEN party for VOLLEY ball, baseball and members of the Dighton Athena croquet provided the entertainJunior Club began with a hay- ment at a chicken dinner party Wednesday night at the Optirack ride to the home of the mist Clubhouse in Carey Park.

hostess, Mrs. Lamar Fullmer. for students of Salt City BusiMembers voted to contribute ness College. $6 to the state junior scholar- Those in charge of planning ship fund. Mimes.

Edward the event were Carol Faelber. Schmalzried and Kennett Gus- Gypsum; Jaquetta Dauner, Attavson were appointed to tica; Pat Thomas, Hutchinson. choose playground equipment tickets; Debbie Meyer, Cheney: for the city park to be pur- Diana Hiser. Debbie Stokes. chased with the $150 proceeds Iola, decorations; Linda Monfrom the club's benefit dance.

roe, Hoisington; Penny Fox. Two Couples Married In Area Churches Gary Rick tileen Poutre A double ring ceremony in the Claflin United Methodist Church united Aileen Ruth Poutre and Gary Lee Rick marriage. Parents of the couple are Messrs. and Mmes. William Poutre, Claflin, and Carl Rick, Raymond.

Rev. Henry Grusing officiated. Musicians were Elaine Brinson, Hoisington, and Kathy Schawo. Honor attendants were Mrs. Marvin Demel, Hoisington, sister of the bridegroom, and Rick Stetler, Geneseo.

Other attendants were Gloria Stetler, Geneseo; Jerry Loesch, Raymond: Marvin Demel and Karen Straub. Assisting with the reception Calendar Deadline In order for the notice of a meeting to appear in the Sunday Social Calendar, it must be reported to our office by nOOn on the Thursday preceding pub- lication. No Down Payment Pay After Graduation Dial 3-4488 SALT CITY Business College Accredited ACBS Ave, A Walnut in the Claflin Legion Hall were Lana Oberle, Raymond. and Kathy Schawo. The couple will be at home in Kanopolis, Both are employed in Ellsworth by the El Kan Corporation.

Keith W'etzel Kathy Hrabe The Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita was the setting Wednesday for the marriage of Kathy Ann Hrabe to Keith A. Wetzel. Their parents are Mrs. Robert Amos, Plainville; Hallis Hirabe, Mrs. Modesto, A.

and WetMr. George zel, 51 Random Road. Officiating at the 7:30 p.m. ceremony was Rev. H.

0. Lindeblad, Hutchinson. Music was provided by Newt Graber. Kayla Hrabe, Lawrence, sister of the bride, and Michael Banker served as honor attendants. The reception was in the Holiday Inn.

God can help you. Come to this Christian Science Lecture Sunday, Oct. 31 3 p.m. 1400 N. Main velope.) Patio's The moc with more.

Strapped, buckled, stitched and setting on a chunky heel. Kicky way to go scooting around. Brown calf, $14. Requeo for Trouble? you going to looking get it. You're Who's New GIRL Diane Rae, born Oct.

23 to Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Youngquist, Lindsborg. Grandparents are Messrs.

and Mmes. Harold Malm and James C. Youngquist, Lindsborg. love not taking each other for granted. LOS ANGELE3 TIMES The couple will be at homei Nov.

1 at 3840 South Seneca Wichita, where the bride is employed by Southwestern Telephone Co. The bridegroom attended. Hutchinson Community College: and Wichita State is employed by Shepler's. of Wichita. They're more than shoes, They're Hush Puppies BIG TREAT! CORN JOLLY TIME POP CORN me.

My bill was $4.50. She said, "Next time." Well, the next time the bill was $6.00 and she didn't pay me then, either. I have not had a call from her since. I just found out that she is using another girl. I think this is rotten.

How can a sitter protect herself against betaken advantage of in this way? Beat Out By A Deadbeat DEAR BEAT: Of course it's rotten. The way to protect yourself against such low-lifers is: (1) Make it clear when you accept a job that you would like to be paid that evening. (2) Bring along change for $20. (3) If you are not paid that night, tell her you will be back the next day--then go back the next day. If she doesn't pay you, come back the following day, and the day after, until you do get paid.

If you have to make three trips to get your money, be busy the next time Mrs. Generosity asks you to sit. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm 27 and about to marry a man who is 12 years my senior. The isn't his age, but his problem two daughters. They are 17 and 14.

I know they hate me because they believe I broke up their mother's marriage. FLOWERS For All occasions. Call MO 2-5591 or Visit BENTON'S FLORAL mile west of Southuich Drive-in Theatre, 1 block South STEAMATIC carpet cleaning "Call Doug for a Clean Rug" 643-2538 The marriage was dead when I came along. All I did was bury it. Harry is a wonderful person and I would go to the end of the earth for him.

I am converting to his religion and I'm learning how to keep a Kosher Kitchen so his mother can eat with LIS. Please, Ann, tell me how to win his daughters It To Work DEAR WANT TO: Don't try too hard. Play it low-key. In time, if you give the girls a chance to get to know you -and if they see you are making their father happy, they may come around. It could take years, so be patient and good luck.

Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to Ann Landers, care of The Hutchinson News, Box 3345, Chicago, Ill. 60654, and enclose 3 tamped, self-addressed en- Hush adds a dash of spark, zip and old-fashioned ingenuity to make their fall casuals more exciting and more adaptable to today's all-out fashions. There are many new shapes, new accessories, new color combinations, such as in "Marcie', shown above. Available in combination brushed pigskin 01' Black glove kid.

$15. Wiley's Shoe Salon, street floor. Hush A 5.

The Hutchinson News from Hutchinson, Kansas (2024)


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The Hutchinson News: Local News, Politics & Sports in Hutchinson, KS.

What is the racial makeup of Hutchinson Kansas? ›

In 2022, there were 12 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (31.7k people) in Hutchinson, KS than any other race or ethnicity. There were 2.65k White (Hispanic) and 1.65k Two+ (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups. 12.9% of the people in Hutchinson, KS are hispanic (5.16k people).

How do I contact Hutchinson News? ›

Hutchinson News
  1. 300 W 2nd Ave. Hutchinson, KS 67501.
  2. (620) 694-5700.

What is the nickname for Hutchinson Kansas? ›

Hutchinson is the largest city and county seat in Reno County, Kansas, United States, and located on the Arkansas River. It has been home to salt mines since 1887, thus its nickname of "Salt City," but locals call it "Hutch."

Where is the Hutchinson family from? ›

They have been largely forgotten in their home town. The Hutchinson Family Singers of North River Rd., Milford, NH were the most popular and influential family singing group in America during the 19th century.

Where is Hutchinson based? ›

Hutchinson is headquartered in Paris with a presence in 25 countries and over 38,000 employees. Pieces of natural vulcanized rubber at Hutchinson's Research and Innovation Center in France.

How do I contact local 12 news? ›

  1. Main Phone:513.763.5500.
  2. News Tipline:513.421.6872.
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How do I contact 4029 news? ›

4029 (main) 479.878. 6088 (newsroom) 479.878. 6077 (newsroom fax) (e-mail)Persons with disabilities who need assistance with issues relating to the content of this station's FCC public inspection file should contact Deanna J. Luchak at (479) 631-4029 Ext.

What is a person from Kansas called? ›

JurisdictionRecommended by USGPOAlternatives
KansasKansanGrasshopper, Jayhawker, Sunflower
KentuckyKentuckianCorncracker, Kentuckyan
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Is Hutchinson Kansas a good place to live? ›

Living in Hutchinson offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Hutchinson there are a lot of parks. Many families and young professionals live in Hutchinson and residents tend to lean conservative. The public schools in Hutchinson are above average.

What is special about Hutchinson Kansas? ›

Hutchinson is home to a wide array of sights and experiences unlike what you might expect smack dab in the middle of the U.S. From the Smithsonian affiliated Cosmosphere International SciEd Center & Space Museum to Strataca, the underground salt museum which brings you 650 feet below the earth's surface — to say there ...

Where is Hutchinson on the Lions from? ›

Hutchinson was born on August 9, 2000, in Plymouth, Michigan. He attended Divine Child High School in Dearborn, Michigan, where he played defensive end, tight end, offensive line, and long snapper.

Where is Hutchinson Florida located? ›

Hutchinson Island, about 100 miles north of Miami, is a 23-mile-long barrier beach stretching from the top of Martin County north into St. Lucie County.

Where is Hutchinson Georgia? ›

Hutchinson Island is a river island in the Savannah River, north of downtown Savannah in Chatham County, Georgia, United States. The island is formed where the Back River breaks off to the north from the Savannah River.

What is the race population in Hutchinson MN? ›

The largest Hutchinson racial/ethnic groups are White (91.0%) followed by Hispanic (5.3%) and Two or More (2.6%).


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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