The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

4 06 Htfp Wonttd Malt 4-05 Help Wanted FemaU 1 Post-Times Classified, Thursday, August 23, 19711 4-05 Help Wanted-Female Jiffy-Crochet! 4 05 Help Wanted Female 4-05 Help Wanted Female 4-05 Help W'teJ-Femole WAITRESSES Night Shift, excellent tips, good salary Group Insurance. Apply after 2PM, rear entrance SPORTSMAN INN 729 North Military Trail 2-42 Lawn Undscap'g a Ml SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Experienced only. Apply WPB Ind. 2085 Zip Code Place, WPB 683-QJ7S GAL FRI DAY t-tt- Ni- ii able One girl office, answer phones, post, type, lite OooKKeeping, new iumwir Sal S100 wk start AAA EWHLUYWtN i PFF ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway 842 5283 TELEPHONE Sales Solicitors full or part-time Base salary plus commission, profit sharing, hospitaliiation, major medical many other benefits. Apply at 914 Fern WPB.

MAID-LIVE IN FEE PAID Mature, Must like children Gen house cleaning. Plain cooking, own room with bath and TV Thurs and Suns off sal Open AAA bIWfLUTWtN I EE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway 842-5283 TFi PHONE. Dart-time. 4 hours a day, 5 days a week S2 00 per hour, 9-1 or 1-5 For appointment call Monday through Fnaay u-ipm. obj-uw.

HOSTESS full part-time Morning shift Experienced Apply In person: Ramada Inn, Palm Beach Lakes Blvd SeeCarol after 3PM YOUNG Ladv for title clerk. Typing and generat office work 5 Day, 40-hour week (jroup nospiiaiuanon pian. ion Tuppens, 582-9012 for interview. IMMEOl ATE OPEN I NGS For Cashiers Good starting salary, many fringe benefits. Apply in person to Manaaer, Eckerd Drugs, 4921 Okee chobee Blvd WPB An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERK-TYPIST 50-60Wpm required 5-days, 40hrs week Free group insurance.

Profit sharing and many other fringe benefits Call 683-3805. Graybar Electric Company. An Equal Opportunity Em ployer WAITRESSES Experience not necessary. Uniforms, meals furnished Apply in person Howard Johnson's Restaurant, 1911 Okeechobee Blvd; EXPERIENCED girl to work with infants in nursery school Hours 9-6PM 967 8343. NEEDED full-time inside collector.

full-lime credit clerk and 2 part-time credit clerks. Apply credit dept, Fields, NPB DEPT. MANAGER LERNER SHOPS Has immediate opening for executive woman witn retail background EXCELLENT starting salary, good employment benefits, 5-day, 40 hour week APPLY in person, Mr. Thompson, Lerner Shops, Palm Beach Mall, co*ckTAIL Waitresses full or part-time Apply after 12 PM. JB's, 5900 Broadwav, WPJT HOUSEKEEPER-cook, general, live-in, own beautiful living room, bedroom, bath, color TV, year round 2 adults Must be experienced, have own transportation, good references.

844-8855 GENERAL office worker for electrical contracting office Typing and accounts receivable Send resume to O. Box 3546, WPB 33402 4-06-Help Wanted (male) CAREtR Start today as inside salesman for national building products firm. S7.B00 Call Chris Anker 655-3671. Snelling and Snelling, 208 Clematis DESK CLERK Must be experienced 4200 Phone 622' 2260, Holiday Inn, Palm Beach Gardens COOK, age 20-35, we tram. Pancake Houseum I.

wyg RFLIEF DOOR MAN-POOL ATTEN DAN COMBINATION Needed at once Excellent salary, benefits 6 days Sundays ott txperiencea prererreo See Manager, La Fontana, 2BO0 Flagler Drive 1 1 i DISHWASHER Must be reliable. Ap ply Palm Beach Towers Restaurant office. PERMANENT full or part-time manu factoring Starts 12 75 per hour. 683 COOK Wanted full-time Must be 21 Apply in person 3400 South Dixie, WPB Auto upholsterer, full or part-time. Call 833-3344 CARPET Installers Good pay Year round work.

Carpet Service, 585-09 H. 2 TANDEM truck drivers Good pay Benetit* Lowery Construction 700 A1A, Jupiter. 746-3535. Root truss take-off mm wanted by Triangle Pacific. Call 842-7661 for appointment.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Sa' to (10,000 to start Our FEE PAID by our client We seek candidate with some industrial exp with or without college degree, to assume supervisory position in accts rec dept on Ig national corp Exceptional benefits career oppty with reg benefits Associ-a ted Personnel Research, 65S BS61 DlSHWASHFRS wanted apply in person. Hungry Traveler, 517 S. Flagler Drive. ELECTRICIAN EXPERIENCED HOUSE WIRE VAN HELPERS GRAD-23 YRS 4 UNDER TOPWAGES 8. OVERTIME PAT ROBE RTSON 967 6333 FURNITURE Truck driver Must know city Apply 2SI4 North Dixie, VVPB GENERAL LABORER Men wanted tor General labor in Pre stress concrete Good wages, excellent fringe Benetit*.

opportunity lor advancement Apply in person at personnel dept 7 am, Monday thru Friday KINGSPOINT HOUSINGCORP 7000 DEL Ay RD DELRAY BEACH, Fla. LABORERS NEEDED CATV UNDERGROUND immediate openings tor CATV Underground laborers, for placing under ground conduit cable Good pay. excellent benefits, permanent work opportunity with advancement nation-Aide organization See Ron Anal at Indian Rd office BURNUP SIMS INC. 4047 Okeechobee Blvd, WPB An Equal Opportunity Employer FULL-TIME bookkeeper for accoun 'ants office must be ahie to go through trial Balance Please send resume with dd an. iaPH COOkS FirinishAiientan Rest Home needs two coohs Modern kitth most soeak Finnish and English Please appiySIJS A St WANTED Part-time Two waitresses Apply Cafe Lipizan Jiv ciemans ii WPB Cumeau Building IWE require a responsifle lady to work days tn our salad department Must be dependable and willing to learn Apply person only ueiween ju mm yi Holiday House Restaurant, Lake Park Palm Beach and Juno Howard John 1 son's Motor Lodges No experience necessary Complete training pro Fringe benehts.

good working enrjmons ice uisptay ou. noyt on'ad Mrs Overbv or Mr Young at 582 2581 COME WORK WITH US Beautiful new 200 room hotel Good mu mnriitinnt X. uond oav We need the following personnel MAIDS Experienced mature co*ckTAIL WAITRESSES AtlracliveA experienced WAITRESSES RELIEF HOSTESS Kpenenced preferred CASHIER per ienced preferred BANQUET WAITRESSES Fi.rtpnrert nreterred but not neces sary Must be over 18 APPLY IN PERSON JUPI TER HOLIDAY INN BARMAID neat personable, nigh" shift Call at'er 8PM, 965 9741 ASSISTANT MANAGER Womens Apparel, excellent opportune excellent salary t-nnge Denems Replies conf.dential Write Post Times Box W-612 MIDDLE AGE lady We will tram you to make beautiful cakes Apply Holiday House Restaurant, Lake Worth HEAD Bookkeeper 5 Day week Old company Brand new offices in new building Lifetime future Young pleasant people Salary open 686 8906 FOR mature woman only Permanent part-time 9 lorn and l-5om Telephone survey 00 Hour Apply Suite 416 400 South Federal Boynton aeacn iuam WANTED One capable LPN and one epenenced Nurse Aide Now ottering top salary and Innge benefits Please apply Dar Man rsiursing nome, i ram: Beach Lakes Blvd WE Need an inside collector Are you available for 40 hours a week' Golden onoortunitv AodIv person jfl F. elds Credit Dept North Palm Beach RANSCRIBER. experienced, large insurance company, excellent penetus five day week.

8 15 to 4 IS pm 833 553t THE PALM BEACH POST Has a newspaper route opportunity available the Palm Beach hardens area This is a 7 day per week, hour per day proposition Keguires oepeno able transportation For information call 844-970 Mon hn a uua ojim THF Palm Beach Post has motor route ope-, tor adult carriers, faim Beach Hours are 4AM6 waw wus-ne available to work 7 days per week (all 655 5755 Ext 65, or 833-741 1 Ctr Dept RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST Diversified duties 5 Day work week Excellent benefits H-gh school gradu a'e Apply person 415 South Olive Ave MEDICAL CLINIC Assist charming director wi'h general office tasks lovely clinic Immedi ae' 4390 Call Jac Kie 655 3671 Snelling andSneilmg 208 Clematis EXPERIENCED Housekeeper tur people Kererences 3 1 uays extri lent salary 833 0486 CLERK-TYPIST Full time position payroll office Good typing skills and previous ac counting, payroll or office clerical ex oenence is desired Starting Salary is 4399 42 per month for a J5 nour weex wnn iiDerai Dentins Apply at the Noncertilied Personne Officeof PALM BEACH JUNIOR COL LEGE. 4200 Congress Ave Lake Worth, na Equal Opportunity Employer M-F FULL Or Part-time secretarial help needed in 3 locations, ueiray Bene Glade and Lantana Liberal fringe ben efits and pleasant working condi'ions Must take shorthand and 'ype Can Mr Reardon. 582-1453 Holiday time is lust around the corner you need extra money now Earn SIS in your spare time sening avun proa ucts. Call now tor details: 832-51)1 Deiray 278-4972 LW 585-7582 Typlst-Bttprs-Cashlers, others EOE ABC Empl. Agcy.

1983 Palm 965-7336 CASHIER Exp, good benefits, nigMs, week, sal S2 hr start. AAA EMPLOYMENT FEE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway BdJ 5283 HOSTESS, attractive, permanent, lull and part-time Apply in person only, 4 30 to 5:30, Abbey Road 10800 Mili-tary Trail, PBG. NEEDED: Woman near Riviera Beach Elementary School to babysit for 2 year old all day and 5 year old atter schools. 844-8255 After INHALATION THERAPIST Certified or Eligible. Excl benefits Pharmacy privileges, etc.

sal 12 80 start AAA EMPLOYMENT FEE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway 842-5283 FEMALE needed as a golf pro shop attendant Phone686-420O CASHIER FOR Drug Store Immediate full-time employment experienced person Good salary and working conditions Apply: Farmer's Market Pharmacy, 1200 South Congress, WPB. The Palm Beacn Post has a motor route available in area north of belvedere to downtown set lion Ap proximately 2 hours per d.ty days per week Will gross a-omui S20O per month Must have deppnaauie car ana t)t atHe to work Piiriy morning hours an 8(3 Ml I or Ore ulation Dept LkL LI ATIONCOUNSI LOR V'E iT I'Al BEACH v. li (ran you a or King nevtsoov Hart tune iob (Appro jufs 5 UO 10 J0AW, won r-n uu 00AM Sat It Sun Provides good saiary rule training car expense many company benetit* Area i'ytU Street north between iraiks and Australian Ave South to f-nsl Sreet AHO Apply person Personnel Department. Palm Beach Post-Times, ifb) bo Une, WHU. von INL'E Pt NDANT station the Park area is looking tor Service station Manager Salary is open tor qualified man 84? inter vie a GENERAL OFFICE Varied duties tor career oriented you total constfuttion firm Interesting1 ail Joann J671 Snethng and Snt'llmy JOBUemat'S MAIDS live in possible Apply in person lib Sunnse Avenue Pani Beat INTERESTED IN A NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING CAREER IF YOU sincerely enioy ti.iny to and helrvruj people ny wdy ot telephone TMhN YOU SHOUl Li I us I A in YUU TO BtCOMfc A CLASSIFIr-0 AOVI SOU SALARY BONUS PERMANENT JOB 40HR WORK WEEK The people we are seeking must have the following qualifications 1 Type 50 accurate words per minute 2 Ability to spell 3 Oesireandabilitytoadvance 4 Reliability 5 Neat appear ance You will capitalize on many company benefits such as, paid vacation, group insurance, hospitalization, retirement plan, sick leave, paid holidays, along with other AHPLY 9AM 10 5PM Monday thru F- nday PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PALM BEACH POST-TIMES 2751 Dixie West Palm Bnach CLERK-DISPATCHER City 0' Deiray Beach is accepting Ap ideations tor he position ot Clerk Dis palcher Must pass Civil Service nam 1 have some typing skills Salary --(inge 1492 $691 Apply to Personnel Ci'y Hail.

100 NW 1st Ave 778-7841 An Equal Opportunity ErPoyer WOMAN 9-1 00 An hour, Northend 848 4646 INSURANCE woman to handle pprson allied accounts with customers Rat ng and coverage knowledge required Call WrCook.J32-7S4S SECRETARY Mus' write shorthand be tas and ac curate typist, and have good back ground ot office experience Excellent wnrkny conditions Sal per week Pius tr mge beneti's Phone Mr Pharr 813 8491 BUS Drivers for'e school SBW795 RECEPTION I ST -Typist needed for E'id Condo Developers office Neat ap infltarue ability to meet public, some heiptul 842-8979 Wrs Venia a WANTED waitress and a grill cook Shifts 2 8 30PM Good salary and ben lls Apply person tettre shop Good Samaritan Hospital interview 9 2PM BOOKKEEPER FEE PAID $135 Up dep on Corp ift'ces iy publicly listed hu'ding cori tun chy bookkeeper to assist ac 1 mmtinq nigr Monthly financial State ments i gen ledgers for 6 subsidiary ompanies Dank reconciliations a. an asn receipts Disbursem*nts Basic knowledge ot accounting Excellent co benefits new penthouse offices Asso fated Personnel Research. 655-8561 PLEASANT part time office girl need Hours 2-5PM Monday thru t- noay General office work filing some ligh voma and must enioy mee'mq pupnc and answering telephone $25 a week starting salary. Paid holiday Etc American Carpet and Tile, 2607 Broad way WPB 833-2319 Hr nupr Funninn shilt child care center 686-5074 BABY5ITTE ''ve evenings week Own transportation Lake Park area 659 2266 Cathy CASHIER Needed 5 days a week 3 to 4 hours a day Apply in person The Hungry Traveler, IdJ Nortn t-eaera Lake Park AGGRESSIVE, AMBITIOUS LADIES CALL BOB ADAMS, 683 0400 8 30 10 30am MONDAY-SATURDAY 848 8558 7 9PM MONDAY SATURDAY HOSTESS Full time opening tor qualified person Bened's include tree meals, paid vaca ion hospi'alna'ion Apply person Mr Wagner NEW ENGL AND OYSTER HOUSE 302 Ocean Ave Lantana CLERK Typist Non smoker Apply Tomaseiio Pest Control. 5JH ueorgia Ave CLERICAL immediate1 Well-known appliance Co offers framing, advancement and ben elits1 1390 Call Joann 655-3671 SneNing and Sne mg ma Clematis WAITRESSES Live-in possible Apply person 235 Sunrise Avenue, Pal Beach WAIT RESSES FULL and part-time Apply in person Juniors Restaurant aim beacn wan WOMAN To live in with elderly lady 848-0583 WAITRESS needed for Italian resta ant Experience necessary Apply person after 4pm Mama unaa i6uu Dixie Highway.

West Palm Beach EXPERIENCED BARMAID co*ckTAIL WAITRESS. 746-9981. SITTER needed Immediately 648 .1379 DOCTOR'S Office LPN or experienced medical assistant. References required 832 467J. PART-TIME JOB Ideal for students Circulation and Telenhone Clerk.

Hours are 4PM to 8PM. 4 days per week Must be over 18, have pleasant telephone manner, neat handwriting and enioy dealing with public. Apply in person to Personnel Dept, paim Beacn rosi-rimes, a 3i a Dixie Mon 9AM'5PM MATURE woman to live-In with con vaiescent lady, fight duties, salary open. 968-4274. LEGAL SECRETARY.

Salary commensurate with ability Experience oreferred. Tvoinrj shorthand re- quired. 655-8588 DOCTOR'S SECRETARY Enoy variety patient contact In Invelv tLihurhJin hldeawav! Beam at once! Gem! S433 Call Jackie 655-3671 Snelling and Snelling, 208 Clematis WANTED Go-go Dancer Must be over 18 Morey's Lounge 2022 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, after mpm EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Must be able to type accurately 8. take shorthand Some college helpful. Must be intelligent, extroverted, have a good sense ot humor pleasant phone voice, if vou don't mi all ot tnese requirements don't waste my time or yours.

Starting salary 17500 annually. ieno resume to rosi-1 ime do 618 PART-TIME TELEPHONE SERVICE CLERK Annlicant must have telephone experi ence, pleasant voice, neat handwriting and ability to deai wnn me puoiit Hours are 4AM to BAM Mon -Fri. Apply in person to Personnel Dept Palm Beach Post-Times, 2751 South Dixie WPB. LADIES needed to teach skin care and make-up artistry 967-1929. BOOKKEEPER Hand posting, Trial balance, A-R A-P, excellent benefits, responsible capable person, Sal foil 30 wk start AAA C.Wr'i.'yJ (VC I CFP ONI 1 WK AL 4106 Broadway 842-5283 SEC-SALES Exd In sales.

Condos, Good personali ty, attractive, exel opportunity, 6 day wk, sal $125 wk plus Donus. AAA EMPLOYMENT FEE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway 842-5283 RESTAURANT Help wanted Part or lull-time. Hours to suit Starting rate SI 85 (2 10 hr 686-7496 after Zpm. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR NCR ACCOUNTING MACHINE OPERATOR Permanent position, vacations, other good company benefits, salary open, hour work week. Please call 683 5300 for interview.

HOSTESS Dosition with Welcome Wag on international available Pleasant career exit) hours, car necessary Contact Mrs. Thurston 965-0771, after 5PM tor interview UIIAITDCtCCC rimu 1. suanlnn thift i-lnnri na unilnrmi tumithari Annlv person; Howard Johnsons, Deiray Beacn WAITRESS wanted at Wine Cellar, 7201 So Dixie Hwy. EXPERIENCED Seasonal Small quality Palm Beach shop manager re auired Onlv seriously interested par. ties need apply.

For complete details for the coming season can vw-i4uj, Hollywood 10AM-3PM for appointment. MAILERS The Post-Times is now accepting appli' cations for mailers Full-time, perma nent position, with regular advance ment and liberal company benefits AodIv in Derson to Personnel Dept Palm Beach Post-Times, 2751 5o. Dixie Hwy, Mon -Fri 8AM-5PM PART-TIME night dishwasher Apply: Pancake House, 8H1 Dixie, WPB HAIR Stylist for Tequesta Beauty Sa-Ion, 746-7977 Evenings, 622-5335 MATURE Woman, part-time for 4 month old Reliable 686-4410 MATURED woman tor general house work and cooking Call between hrs of 10AM to 4PM 837-67UH. HAIRDRESSER AND MANICURIST WANTED IMMEDIATELY. GROUP HOSPITALIZATION.

BUSY SALON ONLY HARD WORKER APPLY CALL 732-2266. EXPERIENCED cook-housekeeper i vp-nut Excellent working, condi tions Palm Beach Apartments Top salary References required can between 9am and 5pm. 655-7260. WAITRESS, some experience necessary Late evening shift. Apply in person.

Copper Penny Restaurant. 401 Olive, WPB RN OR LPN. Full or part-time Eve ning and night shift. Interested In working with Elderly people very good salary, can Louraes rcesiuencB. 655-8544.

For interview TELLER TRAINEE Learn banking from the experts at fine bank Happy staff 32 hour week Benetit* S340 Call Regina 655-3671. Snelling and bneinng, zuo Liemaris LIVE-IN Help with school age chil dren. Prepare meals. After 3p.m., 588 R.N.'S-L.P.N.'S Opening for a full-time or part-time nurse for relief on two shifts, 7 00 to 3 00 and 11 00 to 7 00 am Good salary and fringe benefits. Call tor appoint' ment 832-6409 No telephone informs tion given MEDICAL receptionist for busy pediatrics office.

Monthly phone, some typ' ing 276 SlSMDelray). 732-5165. PART TIME SALESLADIES Applications are being accepted for part-time sales. Flexible hours Must be available (or days or nights and some Sundays. Discounts and good company benefits.

Apply in person, ane Brvant, Palm Beach Mall. SERVICE Station Attendant Musi be experienced Florida Firestone, 732 South Dime, Lake Worth. IKKPFfTORS Men over 21 with general knowledgeof condominiums set-ups Apply in pern at personnel office 7000 Deiray Rd West Deiray Beach, Fla 3J444 OPPORTUNITY for tall man to hatg shelves condominiums 642 7 582 WANTED BATTERY ROUTE SALESMAN $125 for 5 day week while tearnmc, After you earn the right to handle on established route the Deiray area you will receive salary plus commis sion Applicants must be high schoo graduate or equivalent, must have chauffeur's license and a good driving reiord Paid vacation, life and health insurance Apply in person to Trope Batteries, 2100 NW 17th Ave Miami. SERVICE station man wanted Part-time or full-time 3-llpm shift Trail koo, 1M0 North Military WPB 683 0036 Ask tor Mr Davis AWNMOWER small engine mechanic, short hair clean shaven Appt in afternoon only Tomaseiio 585S5L EXPERIENCED mechanic for Brunswick pin setters, apply Garden Lanes, PB Gardens IMMEDIATE opening for production worker, in juice plant No experience needed, but must have neat and clean appearance Apply Tropi-Kist Juice Co 1030 Congress Ave WPB MAINTENANCE Man part-time work Handle general repairs Day or night Universal Health Spa, 588-8521. PHARMACISTS FLORIDA REGISTERED OPPORTUNITES IN DRUG STORE MANAGEMENT GRAND RX DRUG STORES NO SUNDAY WORK SALARY OPEN COMPLETE BENEF ITS PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY MR BEN SANTO GRAND UNION STORE 1000-36th West Palm Beach OR WRITE OR CALL COLLECT MR JAMESECKERT GRAND UNION CO 950 SE St HIALEAH 30S8IS-2UI Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVERS-WE TRAIN GOOD COMM.

-BONUS YELLOW CAB. 51 1 24TH ST. SHORTORDER cook, nights, year round. Blue Marlin, 1101 N. Dixie.

Lake Worth GRAPHIC ARTS interesting position with eipanding company. Unlimited opportunity and 56,240 Call Jerry Morris 655-3671. Snelling and Snelling, 208 Clematis COUNT ON CLASSIFIED ADS to get you the help you need To place an ad. dial 933-4031, now' COMPUTER OPERATOR Pa't-time 6pm -lip Monday-Fri-dav Must be dependable 848-9779 ENGINEER- Florida's largest Linen Service needs man, good all around knowledge ot Plant equipment, at Fort Myers Plant Good salary, company benetit* CallR Hughes, 832-5681 POLtSHER and buffer wanted Will trem Precision Plating 832-4970 Furniture upholsterer, full or part- time Call 833-3344. MAINTENANCE man Trainee-Handyman for a large Apt Complex.

Call after 5PM. 683-7336 BRACE-SAW CUTTER Be -jble to read blueprints, exp only, Ccronefits good hrs Sal S3 hr start AAA EMPLOYMENT FEE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway B42 5283 Help wanted part-time, day or night shifts, must be IB or older, Apply at PM79 Hut 2764 So Congress, Lake Worth 965-6857 PART-TIME nights Truck loaders See Mr. Sumpter after IPM. 7-Up Bottling Co. 2501 Pinewood Ave, WPB.

No phone calls please WAREHOUSE MAN FCL for occasional delivery Loading and unloading maintaining warehouse Co benetit*. Boynton Area. Sal $3 hr start AAA EMPLOYMENT FEE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway 842-5283 BOAT Canvas Installer Will train. Veterans only $3 50 Hourly starting wage Apply Tropical Canvas Co. 822 Broadway, Riviera Beach, 842-4977 LAWN Boy Saturday mornings Northend city Lake Worth.

Phone 585-7843 CONSTRUCTION Laborer Must have oackground in construction work and the use ot hand tools. Other requirements include willingness to do manual labor, work every day and follow instructions Steady year round outside work 40 hours a week. S3 00 per hour Apply in person, between 9-2PM AEO Systems Inc Route 441. half mile north of Lantana Road GARDE-MANGER PROFESSIONAL ALSO PASTRY CHEF Must be qualified References or resume required Salary open. Year round positions Apply person Royal Palm Yacht and Country Club, 2425 Maya Palm Drive West.

Boca Raton See Chef Gene Tues-Sun 8am to 2pm PART-TIME maintenance man. Needed lor church buddmg Minor repairs, painting, etc Call 848-3569 after 6pm SALES Active building materials firm has fine territory open with Co car S9.000 Call Bob Higgins 655-3671 Snelling and knelling. 2Q8Clema 1 1 MAINTENANCE Porter for bowling atiey Apply Garden Lanes, PB Gar-duns 0 OR HERE! 629 (rtt atiK( UctGLt llntvi' tlit- hivi'i's ltriuhity in llns cimIiIIv 1 A Ililian1 Tlii- inliN meal dash In riipf Crmiu-t ul KliiiliiiH wnrsti'il ill Him I'. 1 i t4-. I- m- 1 1 1 1 SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS fur r.nTl palti'l 11 mid 2' rt-llls for i-inTi ji.ttli rn tin- Air iiml Spi'iinl Send lo Lauto Wheeler Polm Beath Posl limes, 3U Needleitalt Dept 801 161 Old Chelsea Motion Niwto.h hi 10011 Ptinl Pattern Number, Name, Addresi, Zip 4-05 Help W'led-Female FULL or part time RN LPN aides 3 11 117 Apply -n person Guifview Nursing HomeL50J 3rd Ave SoJ-VV SECRETARY FFE PAID Top eec large international corp with headquarters in Palm Beach seeks qualified sec to assume some admin resp Should like working independently This is a resp pusition A working benefits condi tions are excellent Associated Person nel Research 655 8561 One Girl Secretary General office No shorthand EnceMent opportunity wi'h well established Para medical facility Salary open Phone 832-4238 for inter view MATURE Maid good with young chil dren In Tcquesta area 8J3649-5PM MASTER Cosmetologist needed a Lake Clarke Beauty Salon, 1777 Flor da Mango Road No nights.

Good hours Paid vacation 967 3161 PIN MONEY PART TIME 4 HOURS PER DAY STRAIGHT SALARY PLEASANT AIR CONDITIONED SURROUNDINGS CALL MR SMITH BETWEEN 9 30AM AND 10 00AM 582-4059 XPERIENCED secretary needed tor Ironl desk Banking heiptul Salary open Deiray 276 2401 EXPERIENCED Fund raiser wanted bv non-profit oruannation Good op portunity Permanent position Reply Pnst Times BoW 6iQ who SALESLADY Experienced Be'er Dr esses-Soort swear tor new sior opening Deiray Beach Top salary plus Lommission Also Alteration Lady Top salary Call tor Interview, Boca-391 27 53 REFINED MAID nerd a refined maid for 6 hours a day, 3 days a week A girl who has lots ot experience wasning ironing and cleaning Also would not mind pre paring dinner tor two children once in a white Please apply to 217 Peruvian Avenue Paim Beach Call655-aiu "GENERAL OFF ICE Contemporary on the grow pharma ceuttcal firm offers great hours and framing (37? Call Bea 6 stn bnei img and Snelling. 208 Clematis EXPERIENCED EXECUTIVE SEC RETARY Shorthand typing skills very inter estmg position pleasant working con ditions Salary dependent upon experi ence Can Pat Accetta 844-0241 THE Palm Beach Post has a motor route open for the area between Okee chobee Road and Lake Worth Road Call Polo Grounds Office 683-3686 or Post-Times Personnel Office 833-7411 SALESGIRL Exp preferred, but will tram, good potential, good company benefits, mer chandise discount downtown area Sa S2 hr start AAA EMPLOYMENT FEE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway 842-5283 RN'S LPN'S All shifts, modern nursing home, good pay. paid vacation 8, holidays Apply in person utv iu cerne Ave DENTIST ASST 25-up will tram, no office skills neces sary Mon-hr. Nortnena bat upen More for expyal AAA EMPLOYMENT FEE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 BROADWAY 842-5283 ONE COPY PERSON NEEDED AC CURATE TYPING AND SPELLING REQUIRED HOURS 3PM to MID NIGHT, MON FRI APPLY AT THE PERSONNEL DEPT PALM BEACH POST TIMES. 2751 DlXlE HWY 8AM-5PM MON FRl WOMAN for insurance Office, must bf experienced fire and casualty ines 5 Day week, salary open Seaman 6 Ins Agency, 606 Lantana Rd Lanta na 585 0100 OUSP KEEPER COMPANION lu I dpily L'tdy, l.ivem Nou "jmoket tar ennired i.

tin mornings tJ.t ub'8 ji tor sn9h7 7B4J W'VNTt-0 mature oman lor light hold duties tompdMion tur a ypd? oM gn I in n.mgr ror guon hoi'ii- situill srtiarv SHi b52S to it.6 1 107 AbMlfc tt.ll lnni' 40 in AIM goml i.oi-ipaiv beni't'ts Apply MiMd'y nl Peone G8J 64ciJ ASSOCIATES BABY SI 1 I Nv- st Vli kesnonsiblt? m.ilj'i' suupii''t'iit your mtotne Rog now npa iicei'Seo iigtTii 13 00 hiur Keteri'nt es no Niirth Pdhn rt, I l.i .13408 WAI Tttt SS full timt He A She S( cne, -88-37)l EXEC SEC Northei'd ep on'y Goud sfKuthand and typing skills ufi' DooKheepnig hmiptiHi small oftite Lxti thrtiue tor S.i 10 v.k Sl.Kt AAA MPl UY Wf.iM i i-hfc ONLY I WK SAi. 4106 B'vicidvwiy J' iiB-! LK GAL Secretary perente t'u' not ri'ijoifei Good Stui't hand typmg Permanent S.t'ary open 732 8188 Must bo neat Apply in person Closed S.H'jrdayS HuvvlOyS 400 ACCOUNTS KECtlVABLF Sa. to SiO M0 to start Our r1 PAID our thpnt We seek c.ind'date A-ith seme mdustndl exp wth or v.itnout toilege dogroe, to assume supervisory position aiis roc ueir oi iy moi ouji L-xceptional career dev opportunity with rpg benefits Associated Personnel Research. t'Ji 8b6i INSURANCE CAREER Immediate oocnmy tor interesting and ed fjosdiori as le'h Typist t- utei- empioveo benefits Paid holidays, lnp rirtiKmo ft.

advancomenl opnonu nlv LJn Wrs uvermyer. i mi h.loal Opportunity tmpiOyer $115 PER WEEK Pi. US monthly bonus to start 18 Years nr over Fnnge benefits, year ound rturk without lav oft Ciean in dos on autumobiles Apply Top Hat Cj' Wash M05OJteechotjieBivo GIRL to assist manager in food nan dhnn be clean and respon siuie Apply Tropi-Kist Juice Bar. 142 Lnnevie Avenue, vvfo Barmaid, day shift.

Morry's Lounge 7022 North Federal Highway ynronHeain THERE'S A FUTURE WAITING FOR YOU IN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! PART TIMf fULLTIME JOBS NOW AVAILABLE1 P.irt Time work 29 hour oek vi-ork 40 nour eek IF YOU sincerely enioy taming to aid helping people by of telephone HEN OU bHUULU LL1 Uh I A I YOU TO BECOME A CLASSIFIED ADVISOR. SALARY BONUS PERMANENT JOB 40HR WORK WEEK Tre people we arp seeking mjst nave the folio Aing I Type jOaa urate per minute 2 Ability spell 1 toidvani.r 4 keliaDility Neat appearance Yju 'H cap'ta'iie on many company benefits such as. paid vacation, group nsurance. hospital. at.

on. retirement suk leave, paid holidays, Ai'h others Ai'PLY AM to 5PM Monday thru f- nda PERSONNEL DEPARIMINT PALM BEACH POST-TIMES 2751 Dixie West Palm Reach LAUNDRY attendant 5 evenings a week 7 10PM 683 6749 after SPM HOUSE KEtPtR-AT Tf NDANT Permanent position plain cooking reasonable wages 967-0767 CAREER MINDED? MANY QUESTIONS COME TO MIND as you seek the position you ARE LOOKING FOR. WILL THIS JOB PROVIDE A CHALLENGE? WILL THIS JOB GIVE ME PER50NAL AND f-INANCIAL SATISFACTION3 WIIL I ACHIEVE THE GOALS VE Sfc FOR SELF ANSWERED A BLIND AD iUCn Ab THIS. AND AFTER AN INTER VIEW WITH THE BRANCH MANAG ER OF A NATIONAL COMPANY, I ST ARTE MY "CAREER rtAS PROVIDED WITH AN tXlfcL LENT RAINING PROGRAM QUAL IFIED LEADS, AND MANY COMPANY BENEFITS MY SUCCESS WAS ALMOST IMMEDIATE AND I WAS NCOURAGE TO ACCEPT A POSI TION IN MANAGEMENT IN A RELATIVE! SHORT TiME IT A TERRIFIC FEELING TO BE PRODUCTIVE AND REACH A PROFESSIONAL STATUS AS WEIL AS GREAT FINANCIAL COMPENSA TION 1 ALL THIS IN Ltbb THAN TWO YEARS' TODAY IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY' TRY AS I DiD YOU TOO CAN GAIN PRESTIGE, FINANCIAL SUCCESS AND SATISFACTION CONTACT BETTY MAE KARCH 683-0400 8 30 10 30am VONDA Y-S ATU RDAY or 848-8558 7 9pm MONDAY -SAT UR DAY YOU LL HE ON THE ROAD TO AT TAIN THE GOALS YOU DESIRE GRILL Waitress tor coffee shop Evening hours Apply Garden Lanes. PBG TvPiSi pa't-ttme Phone Warrell Mrs Helen 8J3-443Jfor Appointment SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST Needed for tusy office, typing and pleasam telephone personality essen tial small amount ot bookkeeping pre teed, Dut not required Apply per son to Mrs Gibson at Kennedy 4 Co hen, 2755 Palm Beacn Lakes WPB MOIOR ROUTE CARRIERS FORT PIERCE AREA Mornings, must have car icellent supiementary income for housewife of retiree For more information, call Paim Beach Post, 461 1 74 FULL-TIME store girls wanted 7AM 3PW Tuesday through Sunday Apply person between 7AM-1 1 AM, Ver tier Danish Pastry Shop Village iqare Shopping center Highway Teqiiesta BOOKKEEPER Diversified interesting wsition in con do tomnte Great hewus advance ment i600 Call bea 655-3671 Snelimg and aneihng.

2J8Ciematis SECRETARY Private club Lantana area Experience only Some oook keepmg desirable Salary open Be tween 9 5pm, Monday Friday 585 25i5 CAR hops night stult, must De over 18 experience preferred Apply person 70iSFiagler RN LPN tor 3-il anj 117 Apply in pe'son, Helen Ailkes Residence Skilled Nursmg Facilities, 75u Bayoer 1 jnve. Lake Pa'k No phono call1, Rtl iAHLE Maids transportation to wurK at Oceanside ResuM motel For interview call 587 7JJ8 LEGAL SEC ip only Gwd typing and Qualified and dependable 5 day 9 5 sal OPE AAA VPLOYMENT FEE ONL I WK 'jAi. 4Il'6 Broadway 842 283 LPN Full time to' doi tor otfue Hiease tail lOA oun 82 9 LIVE IN Mother's helper, hen el its Deiray 278 47tl) tiiNEkAL Mencal in( uidi'sq typing Hours 9 I PM Monday thr nday Tin I jr S3 2S per hour Mature w.jma" pre 'er ed Call Royal Paim Memorial 848 B659 Ot it woman lur intent i ar ihgnt husekt-epmu 2 1 days .1 week References 686 B7.8 AI I SS( Wl- need th'l'f eiiipneni e.1 tor nur II 7AM sriitt itiovf averarjr liiis 5 uay week Apply in person Hungry Traveler Ul edP'-al tisy LukePirk MFDICAL IRANSCRIRFR Fielle(tt imtinie and wormng condi dons fir EXPERIENCED Medical Typist tall Mrs arnh.irdt nH6-6l22 VE LUC AL I PANSC RIBE 2-M PiintiR, Dvcarsitinf WENDY'S Painting Interior Ftenor iiean, careful and courteous Refer enies Deiray Boynton area tall 392-bU7 Boca PAINTING exteror interior Own work The personal touch Reasonable ra'e 6B9-S40 PAINTINGS inside and outside Rea sonable pr-ce 6A3 B6A8 NEAT, fast more than 35 years epe nente Franaes. 4112 Garden, WPB Pm RAN DO'S And Co Painting, paper-hanging residential, commercial 84 all eveninjjs PAINTING average tenor 1125 Av erage room in'enor $25 PAINTING Paperhangmg and carpentry 30 Years experience 65S-S3 INTERIOR and exterior painting Very reasonable rates Licensed and insured 585-5490 2 23 HMittlifiirs LFAK faucets and toilet repairs 588 vvlO CARPENTRY doors hung paneling, remodeling air conditioners installed 848 l2 FAiRLANE Construction free esti mates Additions residential and com mercial, drafting, 967 7675 Or 967 8072 AL TYPf HOAAF. REPAIRS ADDON REMODEL OR REPAIR ALSO ROOFING 686 7306 ALL kinds carpentry, kitchen, vani ties panelling, drop ceilings, bars 582 0667 REMODELING or adding a room1' Foil ime residential contractors Florida rooms our specialty Licensed-insured B.

Graham Contractors, Inc 585 5660 BAREFOOT Repairman Will do most any repair your home needs Reason able prices, references Deiray Boyn- lon area Call Ralph 392-6743, Boca CARPENTER work, painting, rooting remodeling, additions ee estimates Reasonable rates, 844-3)23 BE SURE One call answers all your remodeling needs We are a licensed general con tractor completely insured, giving free estimates and a full range ot financing Hallmark Builders, 965-1515 ADDITIONS KEN WAR Builders, 655 1055 SMALL HOME REPAIR, Also Plaster Stucco Repair, QUALITY WORK CONCRETE, sidewalks, patios, driveways, etc, Freeestimates 622-8784 MINOR Home Repairs, Painting, car ppntry and roofing 967-9756 MICA tops, cabinets, kitchen design-ing. repairs, work iobs my sell. 659 0124 Painting, leaky root, carpenter wor at workingman prices. 967-6349. 96! 9636 BATHROOM -Kitchen Remodelling Call Custom DesignCenter 967 9191 CARPENTRY, room paneling, doors hung etc Reasonable can George, 833 1813 CARPENTRY, cabinets, paneling, anything repaired Call 844 8355 842 7971 CARPENTER Work, home repair Pareling.

formica work. Telephone 853-9550 No job too small. West Palm Beach ALL kinds of Cement Work 8, Remod-etmg done ot a working man's price 965-5373. REMODFL'NG 4 Repairs of any na hire Carppn'ry Pami-ng, Roofing 968 U76, 585-1BM. 2-24 Building Contractors Commercial residential and additions 30 yrs.

experience Inc. 683- 5'91. LUC I DO BROS CONST. INC SpeciaMling in Home Building Home Woderniration Call 633-8080 BUILDING AND RENOVATING Room additions porches, screens HARTuNG HOME IMP 848-2616 DEPALMA CONST Residential Builders And Designers Since 1961 ADDITIONS-REMODELING 585-06l6or 588-4693 2-25 Plumbing DRAIN CLEANING SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 965-3690 or 968-0558 ALL types of pump and plumbing re RETIRED Plumber, lots of experi ence. Reasonable prices.

New-repairs 965-8774 ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING. 686-5838 2-26 Electrical Work ALL types of electrical repairs, Rea sonable 683-3683. After 4p PAT ROBERTSON Electrical Surveys Upgrading 150. 200 AMP SERVICES Central Air Connection 967-6333 2-33 Roofing Services ROOF Spraying roof repairs, "ew roots, leaks repaired guara -'ed For free estimates, call us last ubb's Rooting. ROOF Coatina Cleaning, special gravel.

$45 8. up Leak repair lumbe repiacea -icensea. nonaea, inauieu 6B3-1 1 76 or 655-404V JAMES Brooker Rooting Roots and reroois, an types, tree estimate, obj- 9734. ROOF Repairs, painting No job too small 965-3753 968-3161, reroof and hot tar. Pressure cleaning ano root pairmny.

odj-uio. it nu on swer ta-4uo ROOFING tile, shingles, atl repairs, licensed and insured Free estimates. call 967-4132 MINOR roof repair, painting and car pentry sstfu ROOF repairs, new and old Free esti mates 967-7630 ROOP Painting, tile or gravel. Free estimates 303-ijjj. 2-34 Electric Pumps Wells 2" OPEN End Wells, 12 75 per toot 68V 66iJ, SPRINKLER System installation county wide.

Licensed-Insured. 6B6- bin, MJ-Z1BJ 2-35 Septic Tanks CULPEPPER SEPTIC TANK 965 3 890 or 968 0558 HONEY WAGON SEPTIC SERV 683-667B OV 3 3186 2-36 Tree Surgery STUMP GRI NDING Trimmmg Removal SCHMIDT TREE EXPERT CO. 832 8392 TREE trimming and tractor work. 848- 6335 after 4 PM JOE Erhardt Complete Landscaping and tree service. pim, hauling Licensed, insured.

Free esti mates 96-JJ4I EXPERT Tree Trimming Removal Landscaping Licensed. Insured. Bill Conkim, i88-i445 TREE 'rim and removal Yard clean up B4A vv4 2-41 Paving A DU Al rfflusaui nlulll rotliflsr ed, sealed Free estimates Phone 833 SEALCOATING Hnmp Drives. Commercial, Patching; ASPHALT SEALCOATING CO. 844 1672 2-42 Lawn Undscap'g TRFFV hprlaes trimmed, trash haul ed.

lawns mowed. Call Santos. 686' 5279 LAWN Service, one-time Clean-up, trash hauling 683 6504 CLEAN UP. Yards taken out pot-in nrtrtino. trees removed, trash hauled Hedges plants, rock gardens Atter 5PM, 84H-46V6 DEPENDABLE year around Lawn Service Monthly, small lawns.

967 7d LANDSCAPING, shrubs, plants, tree service Tree trimming, tree removal, till muck, topsoii. yellow sand and trucking Free estimates Phone 833- 6103 PROFESSIONAL landscaping and grounds maintenance we verticut (renovate) lawns Tropical Envirn mntt, 689 2686 SPRINKLE? systems Installed re-r irtd. Frwstimates 623 7164 tTOM town service, year Wntenance Cleanup sea 6445 BROTHERS LAWN SERVICE 683-7167 968-161 TOP SOIL. Cow Manure, rotted or pure yeMov sand. Shell peat, muck 6 yds Stanley Kusek96V4S23 2-43 Land Clearing Sma'l doier tor rent by fne hour or iob 968 DRAGLINE work Digging canals and lakes Clearing, lots or acreage Grod no 8, hauling Shell, nil, topsail 68 mo LOADER and Tractor Service Clear- ng.

lot or acreage Tree trash remcv- i vowmg ang grading. 6j-1 1 la 245 Moving Storage The Seven Santml Brothers 2300 Witt St WPB- 666-1200 Local and Long Distance Moving LOCAL MOVING SMAL LOR LARGE MOVES 20 VAN 633-6393 or 663-5706 WILL move furniture Appliances What tiave you? Joe Deschler, 965-0583 2 46 Miscellaneous Service HAULING Trash, shell-till lot clear nq Trees trimmed, removed Bill 683- 473 ARCHITECTURAL Drawings done reasonable Call 965-4926 After 5 30pm HOF ACKER WELDING CUSTOM AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR WELDING. PORTABLE SERVICE. 683-7614 SMALL hauling. Trash and debris re movai 683-3683 After MOWING agent, trimming, cutting back general lean-up 848 4289 JUNK CAR REMOVAL SERVICE DAY NiGHT 683-9507 3-Education 3-07 Instruction REAL Estate exam class Instructor Berminghatn Kesv or into 6411 DRESSMAKING classes starting soon i In ir.ak A hPltPr flttlllO Uar ment Enroll now 968JJ52 d.ams"! rtrrntn I In VOUt cn.iiiiinn in children and adult Beginners can cvrei' 842 8015.

tor interview 4-Employment 4-05 Halp Wantid Female DRUG CLERK Defray area No nights Sundays or Holidays Good Pav Fringes 732 8844 or 276 7557 HOUSEKEEPER Live Palm Beath oceantront resi dence with children Driver's Ncensp and required For interview Caj 1655 6860 WAITRESS Make money A meet people ai Tropi KutJu.ce Bar. WPB MATURE concession woman Care tree Theatre II 50 Hourly Apply Box Office 1 30 5pm 7-9 30pm Live in Housekeeper or couple tor fam lv with 3 children Country Wk ends free it desired Reply Box 606 MAID Wanted Holiday Inn, Beach Gardens 4403 PGA Blvd S50 a week room board provided, du ties prepare meals oversee medira on Phone collect 4U Latay ette, Indiana WAITRESSES Needed tor all shifts Apply Capt Alex Rest 1900 Broadway MAIDS 21 -up Gen housekeeping Hotel in Northend cleaning rooms change beds, etc. Sal si 75 hr start AAA EMPLOYMENT FEE ONLY 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadway 842-5283 SECRETARIAL Gal needed tor dictaphone, transt tion and light office work wtn local nsurance company Lau J.m wnuams or Georgia Dolack WPB 655 8887 00 you love boats and adventure? Su per waitress needed, WPB Manna res taurant 832 9600 YOUNG Lady for general office work Permanent, (nnge benefits, paid vaca tinns salarv eomensurate with ability 832 5588 Mr Alex. NURSES AIDES xcellenf working conditions. Good salary Fringe benefits Medic Home Health center, lw ms-vjui WORKING mother needs babysitting 5 days week After school and all day Saturday 5SS-Z7BO DRAPERY woman, experienced.

844 5080 Caoable housekeeper, must be experi eiiced, own transportation, 5 day week top salary 58WJ66 HOUSEKEEPER to live-m and make vour home. Assist Father with three school age children Call for interview, ADVERTISING Bright, personate, ambitious person to handle account advertising for radio station $125 plus Will tram oooa car 582 7401 An Equal Opportunity Em ployer DISHWASHERS Monday Friday. 7AM-3PM Apply Dunkm' Donuts, 301 Federal Hwy, Lake Park REGISTERED MEDICAL TECHNOL OGIST 36-Hour week Excellent salary, fringe benefits. Internists' office. 833-1067 WORK As counter Girl on Goodwill Snack bar 7 30-4 Monday thru i-r day No cooking We hire the hand capped 833 1693 GENERAL OFFICE PreDare sales orders inventory and commissions department light typing required hours 3PM-I0PM Monday throuuh Fridav and 1 30PM- 10PM bat urday See Marlin at Kennedy 8.

Cohen i Haim peacn uaKes GHILL-Cook 6 pnvlam, good salary stead employ ment Appiy Drive-Inn l300 Broadway Rb BAKMAID tull-timo He 8. he Scene 588 375 1 INSURANCE agency, Deiray Ex pen ence required Starling saiary S125 week plus fringe oenems rppnes he'd Hiease sena qudim cations and phone numDer to C-u in surance. Box 2J76 uelray ea MAID-LIVE-OUT Good cook, and good driver, yen house cleaning erranas. nonesi, aepena-iuif OAncar baiuftiN AAA BMPlOYVENI FEE ONI 1 WK SAL 4106 Broadwjy 8J2 528 EXECSECRETARY T0SI6O FEE PAID Southend firm req sfeno. typing 8.

dictaphone ep Some knowledge ot bookkeeping noipiui formal atmosphere Associarea sonnel BesedfCh. 65-Btbi SECURITY GUARD Openings tor one TUH-iime m.un.yiM iu "KK'i nnt Palm beacn Most-1 imes nt a wien Mon -r-n (AWlf COOK wanted, apply person, Ma sons Nursing Heme. 3185 Boutel K0 LW nAATiiuc i T'iv denartn ent Steady employment Fringe beneti's Apply a' beriion i- ct' mei No phone calls fiiRNlTURt Saleswonian full 0' part fiie Gund salary and nommis s.on Year round work Reply Pjs' Trnes Box SjftPB MOilsFKFFPPR L.I VP. IN. ViATuE ExPERiENiLD Pt RMANfci PO SITIUN REF-ERE-NCES REUUilVED 832 1742 9AM bPM SECRETARY Secretanal position now available at ou' home otdce Good typing and Shorthand sk-HS required Group ante, benefits available S.iary 10m mensurate ability and e.penciice Apply in person tn Personnel D-'ec for Kassuba Dcvelop'ent.

Corpr.ra don 30 R-yal Palm Way Palm Beach, la 3J480 An equal opportunityeTpioyer 1 Gl RL OFF ICE Needs Girl f-nday with knowledge ot full charge payroll and taies uood worng uindmoni and Benefits Hours 8 10 5p" Tfansi 10 Woseland Drwe, rtPB 833 oa2 TUPPERWARE Dt-alers needed, all are part i me S3 SS per hour No investment 683 8386 58 4793 Boca J99 8413 00006000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 PICTURE YOURSELF HERE! oooooooooooooooooeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IT TAKES A MOVING SERIES TO SHOW THE POST-TIMES MAILROOM STORY. HOWEVER TO COMPLETE THE "BIG PICTURE" WE HAVE TO FILL THE SPACES. IF YOU QUALIFY, YOU MAY JOIN THE TEAM IN THE MAILROOM AND START GROWING WITH A COMPANY ON THE MOVE! APPLY IN PERSON TIMES 2751 SOUTH DIXIE WEST PALM BEACH.

The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.