Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)

2. 1Aa8 FOURTEEN AUSTIN UATLY STAwaw, unoay, jaitoahy msoa. SEVENTH MONTHLY DIVIDEND JAN. 15th. receipts, 9241 bales; stock, 362,260 bales.

Futures Steady; January, S.SS'Q&SGc; February, March, S.67fe8.6Sc; April, 8.708.72c; May, 8.79&S.SOe: June, 8S34t8.8Bc; July, 8.90 8.9Jc; August, 8.648.55c a What the Members Need 0 WILL BE A CALI OSN lA-n) bVAUA MINtNU W. 0 3cr ANNUM GUARANTEED on liar value of stock 0U CLUB HOUSE SALOON AND RESTAURANT Headquarters for everybody and his friends. Everything pod to eat or drink. Oyster loaves, our specialty. treat you right.

Come and see A. MILLER, Phone 40. E23 Conaress Ave. urhen mill Is rom Dieted. give them the best in this line Iray a Quick Meal Steel Range, witii a fine set Is culinary treatment.

To Superior Cooking Stove or the week bad been arrested there and not forwarded to New York, had been supposed. Sterling exchange was inclined to harden and discounts again advanced in London. The market closed weak. The only explanation of the movement in Atchison was uncon- firmed rumors of a plan for a combina-' tion with Rock Island. I There was ome increased demand for bonds, but mostly for those of a lower grade.

NEW YORK FINANCES. New York, Jan. 10. Money on Call! Steady; all loans at 4 per cent; closed offered at 4 ir cent. Time money, of dishes, and a toilet set, at the reasonable prices Brusb.

is ofLaa ing. The lamps, chimneys and burners are fine. Gawlina stoves cook quick and are so cheap. We buy crockery in car lots and you Present Dividend 1 per cent Per Month on Par Value Until Mill Is Completed. $20,000,000 blocked out ready for the mill, and the Hoodlum claim, which adjoins the Old Victor Mine, yet to figure on.

A 200-ton per day plant contracted for, and will be in full operation not later than April 1, 1903. Present Price $1.00 Per Stvare, Fully paid and non-aesessable. Do not fail to Investigate this proposition, for the more you Investigate the more stock you will want. Write for prospectus. YV.

H. BALDWIN Brokers and Financial Agents, 49-50-51-52 Volckert Albany, N. Y. Reference -Bradstreot'B and Dun's Agencies'; State Bank and Trust RAILROAD TIME CARD I. a.

N. R. R. CO. In effect Sunday, September 14.

190: NORTHBOUND TRAINS. Arrive 10:30 a. 2:57 p. p. 12:15 a.

m. Leave 10:35 a. 8:00 p. 10:43 SOUTHBOUND TRAINS. Arrive 4:05 a.

6:00 a. 5 40 8:8 p. m. Leave 4:15 6:10 a. 6:45 9:00 p.

m. HOUSTON AN1J TETit rrvTpji No. 24 leaves Austii. for Houstofi, 1:25 p. No 26 leaves Austin for Houston, p.

m. No. 25 arrives from Houston at 7:3 a. tn. 7 No, p.

No, p. m. 23 arrives from Houston, 75 leaves Austin for Llano, 4:1 No. No. a.

m. 75 arrives at Llano, 8:33 p. nr. 76 leaves Llano for Austin, 7:00 No. 76 arrives at Austin from Llano, 11:35 a.

m. No. 23 connects with No, 75 Llano. No. 78 connects withi No.

21 Houston. for tor LAMPASAS STAGE LINE. Leave Burnet a. Arrive Lampasas 4 p. Leave Llano Arrive San Saba 7:30 n.

m. m. m. m. W.

A. NEWTON, Prop. SAN SABA STAGE LINE. Leave San Saba 4:30 a. tn.

Arrive Llano 12:00 noon Daily except Sunday. Leave lam pasas ,...10:13 a. m. Arrive Burnet 3:15 p. m.

D. F. HARLESS. Prop. City News NEW YORK.

New York, Jan. 10. Spot Cotton closed quiet; middling uplands, 8.90c; sales, 1869 bales. Futures Cloned very steady; January, February, 8.63c; March, 8.69c; April, 8.6Se; May, June, July, 8. 70c August, 8.17c.

LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, Jan. 10. Cotton Spot, quiet: prices 4 points lower: American middling, 6.30d; good middling, 4.86d; middling, 4.6Sd; low middling, 4.56d; good ordinary, 4.44d; ordinary, 4.32d. The sales of the day were 7000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and included 6600 American.

Receipts, 6000 buies. Including 5600 American. Future Opened steady and closed barely steady; American middling g. u. e.

January, January and Februury, 4.624.6;lcl; February and March, March and April, April and May, 4.64d; May and June, June and July, and August, 4.6od; August and September, 4.5s4.59d; September and October, 4.45d; October and November. 4 3-d. Dullness in the Grain Markets Chicago, Jan. 10. Dullness prevailed In all markets on the board of trade today, u.

wheat closed steady with May l-8c higher. May corn and May oats were also l-8c up, while provisions! closed firm, a shade higher to 2 l-2c to 5c lower. Wheat ruled quiet, but there was a firm undertone the greater part tf the day, although the market early experienced a little easiness on favorable weather for the movement. The pews was rather favorable to the bull side, and there was some covering by shorts and more or less buying for longjac-count. Reports of heavy rains in Argentina were the main strengthening factors, though firm Liverpool cables had ome effect at the start.

Th. market was a very narrow one, nnd there was little change in prices. My opened unchanged at l-8o lower, at 76 1-8 76 l-4c and ranged between 76 l-8o and 76 3-fPB l-2c, closing l-8c higher, nt 76 3-8c, Receipts, 61 cars, none of contract grade. Corn was dull and fluctuations were confined within an extremely narrow range. The weather continued favorable for the movement and the local crowd seemed disposed to sell hut ihe offerings were well ta'ten.

There -was a good cash demand reported from the oeaboard, which was tho orinclpal hull Influence, and which caused a- slight rally after a rather easy opening due to lower Liverpool cables. The close was Pteady with May l-8c lower at 43 3-4S43 7-8c, after selling between 43 3-443 7-8c and 44c, Receipts', S27 cars, one of contract gra-lo. Oats ruled dull and a trifle easi-jr, due to some extent to the early weakness in corn. The volume of business was very light, and confined largely to local scalpers. There was little chango tn prices and May closed t-8e higher, at 34 l-2c, utter ranging between 24 3-8c and 34 6-8c, Receipts, 193 cars.

Provisions were Irregular and tracing was light, the feature heme; the buying of May ribs and the spiling of May lard by a locul packer. Thes rvr mo covering by short" which 1 elped the market. The close was steady with May pork 2 l-2c lower at 1-2; May lard 2 lower, at $9.42 1-2, and ribs a shade higher at $8.87 8.90. Estimated Receipts For Monday-Wheat, 45 cars: corn, 323 csjrs; oats, 160 cars; hogs, 48,000 head. The leading futures ranged lows; as TO SUBSCRIBERS.

The management of The Statesman" i makes the city circulation a special charge. All subscribers must receiva i their papers promptly each morningCj The carriers are heid responsible foi prompt and proper delivery, therefore! you will confer a favcr py notifying? the business office either by phone od tr- get the benefit of our low prices. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE 4 Via Illinois Central R. R. From New Orleans to Mem- phis, Louisville, Cincinnati, St, Louis, Chicago and all points nortti and east Three solid ves- tibuted trains daily.

Meals In dining cars. Ask your agent for ticket via this line. Dr. Burkhart's Wonderful Offer. 30 Days' Treata ir If you aro sick you need Dr.

Burkhart's Vegetable Compound. A trial will convince you of its great merits. Cures kidney and liver diseases, constipation, catarrh, stomach sleeplessness, night sweats, stiffness in limb and joints, poor appetite sick, our stomach, etc. Ten days' trial free. All druggists.


GUARD PAY THE FAIR GGMMiSSIGNEBS Governor Requests Them to Meet Dallas January 21 News of the State House. at At the request of many of the officers and members of the Texas Vol unteer Guard to Adjutant General Thomas Scurry, the latter submitted the question as to whether such officers and men were exempt from the payment a poll tax under the recent amendment to the constitution, to the attorney general, and yesterday the latter handed his opinion to General Scurry in which he holds that military men are exempt from the payment of a county and state poll tax, but they are liable to the poll tax of $1 imposed by the constitution for support the public free schools. At the request of the executive committee, the governor asks all those citizens who have been by him appointed as members of the Texas world's fair commission to convene at Dallas, Texas, on Wednesday, the 21st at 10 o'clock a. for the purpose of conferring with the committee touching the present status and future operations of the commission. Charters of the following corporations were filed yesterday in the secretary of state's department: Banning Machinery company of Waco, capital stock purpose, to engage in a general manufacturing and mining business.

The incorporators are F. D. Banning, A. F. Bolton and W.

T. Greenville Nursery and Floral company of Greenville, capital stock $5000. The incorporators are R. H. Long, W.

L. B. Seaman and Edwin Barlow. G. B.

Hunt Furniture company of Dallas, capital stock $2000: purpose, to conduct a general furniture business. The incorporators are G. S. Hunt, Wm. Kelley and W.

L. Springfield. R. A. Thompson, the railroad commission's expert engineer, left yesterday for El Paso, where he will maka an inspection of the interlocking crossing device between tne Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio and the El Paso Terminal Railway He will be gone several t'sis.

Treasury warrants to the amount of $54,000 were issued and sent out to county treasurers yesterday to be paid to school teachers in independent districts. Black stifie, billllantlne and dress skirts, worth $5.00, for $2 Mistrot's. cloth 50 at The Statesman, by carrier, only 50 cents a month. better stock of maMPauHa. Rye, bu.w..

11,400 4.90C Barley, 57,000 5.309 On the- produce exchange today, the butter market was qolet and firm; creamery, l27 l-4c; dairy, 17ifj25e -heese. l-j'aHt; eggs, linn, 25 l-2c. ST. LOUIS. St.

Louis, Jan. 10. Close Wheat, "Weak. No. 2 cash elevator.

71 1-Sc; track, 74S74 3-4c; Jtfay. 75 l-2c; July, 71 S-8c; No. 2 hard, 66 l-269 l-2c. Corn Lower. No.

2 cash, 40 S-4c; track, 40 8-4c; May. 40 l-2c. Oats Lower. No. 2 cash.

34c; track, S434 l-2c; May, 34 l-4c; No. 2 white, 35 l-2c. Rye Quiet, 49 l-2c. Porker Higher; jobbing standard mens, $17.60. Lard Lower, Kansas city.

Kansas City, Jan. 10. Close Wheat: May, 68 3-4c; July, 7 1-Sc: cash No. 2 hard. 6668c; No.

2 red, 6s68 l-4e, No. 2. Corn January, 37 1-8037 3-Sc; May, 38 1-83S cash No. 2 38 l-4c; No. Z.

white, 38 3-4S39c. Oats 2 white, 35c. Receipts Wheat, 76,200 bufhcls; corn, 110,000 bushels; oats, 29,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 30,000 bushels; corn, 93,609 bushels; oats, 16,000 bushels. I ST.

LOUIS. St. Louis, Jan. 10. Flour Market Steady.

Red winter patents, extra fancy and straight, clear, $2.903.00. Corn Meal Not quoted. Bran Strong; sacked east track, 76 78c. 1 Whisky Steady, $1.30 (revised). Iron Cotton Ties $1.07 1-2.

Bagging 6 6-16(37 l-16c. Hemp Twine 9c. Dry Salt Meats Steady; boxed, extra shorts, clear ribs, Bhort Clear, $3.00. Bacon Steady; boxed, extra shorts, $9.62 1-2; clear ribs, short clear, $10.00. SUGAR AND MOLAS8EC.

New Orleans, Jan. 10. Sugar Market dull. Open kettle, 2 8-43 l-10c; open kettle centrifugal, 3 3-163 U-16c; centrifugal granulated, 4 3-164 l-4c; whites, 3 7-8ig4 l-18e; yeilows, 3 7-16 3 lo-16c; seconds, 2 1-S3 6-16c. MolaFws Market quiet.

Open kettle, centrifugal, 620c. Syrup 19 24c. CHICAGO. Chicago, Jan. 10.

Cattle Receipts, 200 head: market nomisial; good to- prime steers, poor to medium; stockftrs and feeders, cows, Sl.2rM4.50; heifers, canners. bulls, calves, $3.50 8.00; Texas' fed steers. Hogs Receipts. 25,000 head; market easy; g-otod to choice heavy, light, S5.9o0-a.26; bull $5.306.40. Pheen Receipts.

2000 head; market steady; good' to choice wethers. $4.25 4.75: fair to choice mlxwd, western native lambs, 00. t' $T1 LOUIS. St. Louis, Jam 10.

Cattle Receipts, head, including 6U0 Texana; mar ket Rteaiiy: native shipping and export steers, with strict fancy worth up to dressed beef and buti hers' steers, $4.0065.50: steers un der 1000 S3.75S6.O0n stockers and cows and heif ers. canners, S1.5O02.7R; bulls, calves, cows aiid heifer. HogsReceipts. 3000 iiead; ma'rkct steady: plg and lights. packers, J6.20S6.40; butchers, 6.75.

Sht'tp Receipto. none: market nominal: native muttons, lambs, culls and bucks, $2.004.00. The New York "Stock Market New York, Jan. 10 There wasi evidence of some confusion of sentiment In the movement of the prices? of stock today. The persistent liquidation in Reading had an unsettling effect.

The strength of Atchison whs In strong contrast. The purchase of 20.UU0 shares of thl stock ithin the first few minutes of trading llfteil It strongly and had a stimulating effect elsewhere. There was some show of positive strength also in New York Central nnd Pennsylvania on t2ie ground that the Reading deal will serve to harmonize and strengthen- tiw whole trunk line system. Amalgamated Copper reheated the rally in the- metal market lifter Sharp reaction. Elsewhere the market was Inclined tn be dull and fluctuations were narrow until the appearance of the bank statement.

The cash Item was a In place of the predicted increase of $9,000,000 to $11,000,000, the week's gain amounted to only $4,740,100, The only plausible explanation to aucount for this discrepancy was- that the heavy of cash into Ch'cugo the latter part of We challenge the easier, sixty and ninety days, 5 1-2 per cent. Prime Mercantile Paper 3 1-45 8-4 per cent. Bar Silver 48 1-Sc. Mexican Dollars Zt 1-ic. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm.

NAVAL STORES. Savannah, 55 l-2c. Rosin Firm Jan. 10. Turpentine, Wilmington, N.

Jan. 10. Turpentine, firm, 65c. Rosin Firm. Turpentine Firm, S1.SU&3.10.

Tar Firm, $1.60. MORE MONEY NEEDED APPROPRIATION OF $1,500,000 SATISFY REBATE CLAIMS ON TOBACCO. TO Collector Webster Flanagan of the Third Texas district, located here, stated yesterday that the matter of adjustment of rebate claims for tobacco under the act of congress which went into effect on July 1, 1902, has been proceeded with with great diligence by the internal revenue bureau. The claims have been handled as rapidly as possible by the collectors and the commissioner's office, and will be settled as scon as they can be checked up and turned over to the accounting officers, who will issue warrants to cover until the present appropriation Is exhausted. It is evident now that congress will be called on for a further appropriation for the payment of these rebate claims.

An incomplete nummary of the claims presented to date indicates that there will be required an additional appropriation of between $1,400,000 and $1,500,000 to fully satisfy this class of claims. Men's all-wool suits, worth $10, pizes up to 35 only, for $3.98 at Mistrot's. VALUED ROAD TOO HIGH RAILROAD COMMISSION HOLDS UP APPROPRIATION OF RAILROAD TO ISSUE BONDS. Col. R.

C. Foster, general attorney of the Deniswn, Bonham and New Orleans filed an application yesterday afternoon with the railr'iad commission for authority to ireue in bonds and $50,000 in stoeH. Tne commission granted the application for the issuance of the $50,000 in stock, but held up the application to issue bonds for the reason that the valuation of the commission's engineer of the property did not Justify an issue to this amount. Boys' $3 wool suits for $1.50 at Mis-trot's. ONE DAY TO BIRMINGHAM AND ATLANTA.

The Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway inaugurated in September new train to run between Dallas and Sharveport. The service was so popular that con nections have placed in service addi tional trains, whereby passengers can use the new "Katy" train and make sure connections for Meridian, Birm Ingham and intermediate noints. By this means passengers will be able lo start from Dallas, Texas, at 9 p. Greenville 11 p. arrive Shreveport 6 a.

Meridian at 6:10 p. Binning ham 11:15 p. arriving Atlanta at 6:30 a. m. uorresponcnng close connections can be made returning.

Pullman sleeper ana cnair cars Dallas to shreveport, ana uirmingnam to Atlanta. YESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE The United States weather bu- reau reported the following teni- perature yesterday: Maximum, 63; minimum, 50. DEATH OF JERRY ROGERS. A Texas Pioneer Dlers at His Home Near Buda. Jerry Rogers, uncle of the late B.

Rogers, died the residence of hi granddaughter. Mj-s. lien-ton near Buda. Mr. Rogers was S3 years old, and was one of the old pioneers, having fought ihe Indiana in the early diiys of Texas.

Two of his Rev. J. of Rockdale nnd Mr. J. A.

Rogers of this county, and four daughters, Mrs. M. E. Gntlin, Mrs. J.

W. Mrs. A. E. Prewer of this city and Mrs.

Susan Armstrong cf Buda survive him. -4? Youths' $10 all-wool suits for $3.95 at Mistrot's. town lo show a PAID BY THE mining Journal of the state or prom Cioice apple 88 l-2o Evi 1-4's 7 S-4c Sim dried 1-4 l-27c KICE- In 10-fb packets, extra fancy. 1-2 extra head, l-2c; medium, 6'S broken, 3 3-4)4c COTTON PRICES AND TOTAL DAiLT RECEIPTS. Basis tor middling, 1 2-4c; strict good middling, 8 l-8e.

COTTON S3BED AND PRODUCTS. Cotton Seed Per ton. prime tot ton seed meal, per short ton, S22.O0. Linters, 3 1-jJc per pound, according to grade; hulls, per ton, $7.50. CATTLIC.

H0GS AND SHEEP. Beeves, 22 l-2o: cows and heifers, 22 l-4c; veal. 2 l-23c; hogs, 56c; sheep, SOS l-2c. 4 FOR WOMEN WHO MARKET. Retail.

FRUIT. Apples, per peek to 60c Limes, per doen 20c Lemons, per dozen 20o Oranges, per dozen to 75c Banana, per dozen to 20cJ Red bananas, per dozen 60c Pineapples, each to 40c Coccanutsi 2 and 3 for 25c Grapes, per 25c VEGETABLES. Beetsi, per-bunch Re Bquash, 3 and 4 for 10c Celery, per pound 10c P-eans, per half peck 29c Lima beans, per half to 60o Peppers, per dozen 20c White potatoes, per peek 20c California, tomatoes, dozen 40c Radishes 6c New carrots, 4 for 6c Cabbage 6c California onions, per peck 30c Eggplants fc Mint, par bunch 5c Watercress, per bunch 6c Okta, per quart 10c Sweet potatoes, per to 30o EGG P. AND DRESSED POULTRY. Roasting chickens 850 Stewing fowls 35 40o Butter 2025o Eggs 30c Spring chickens, each 35c to 40e Spring ducks, each, dressed, 40c to 60c FISH.

Sheephend, per pound Trout, per pound Red fish, per pound Red snapper, per pound Black bus, per pound White perch, per pound Catfish, per pound Blue fish, per 10o lOo 10c 11c 20c 20c ....12 1-21 15c ISc to 850 GAME. Venison, per pound Quail, dozen $1 25 to $1.60 50c 90c Teet, pair Red heads, per pair Doves, dozen Squirrels, dozen Rubbits, each to $1 60 The New Orleans Cotton Letter New Orleans, Jan. 10. In view of tho fact that statistics have grown strong er during the past week, both as to movement ana availaoio' supplies oi the world, nnl ih.i publishing of the census government report indicating a crop of than 10.000,000 bales, the course of the mtirkot lias bi'en disap pointing to say the least. On Saturday March contracts oloxed at 8.73c and the caution about buying at th level nnd at this time year, as was adviued a week ago, seems to have been timely and advisable.

March bavins- sold 8.63c during the week, reacting on fresh buying on statistical develop ments. In the valley of the Mississippi, in the Atlantic states and Texas, thore Is said to be more cotton in the tieMs" unpicked than jaual. It such be the case of which the unproceclented bad weather of November and lwcembor is responsible for. there may he an Increase in future arrivals una coining ut a time when ieccip; of a year ago were many give credence to large crop estimates again, notwithstanding the bullish tigures and the ultlmaw size of the trot In the face of a reaction lu futures, we have wlt-nessed a decline in spots yesterday, in which department there is a lack of animation, buying beta practically without orders and as ft result of local market being within el points of Liverpool, which prohibit' a satisfactory hedging From almost every town we hear of stocks being less than this tlini last Viar. yet we can see no flgn of the spinners becoming uneasy over supplies ul the future, believing the unpicked will suflkr to serve to replenish the now depleted holdings of uncounted and counted Interior towns, receipts ct atl ports to day, the initial of the commercial week, will be less than last vat.

estimated at 28,000 bales against iiS.oia bales, but expected arrivals at New Orleans and Galveston combined, 27,000 to .31,000 bales against 21.175 bnlrfa will, make a good showing for Monday wnen v' compare with last year's total of bales. At primary pointt, tive towns report today's receipts of 21,296 bales oguinst 12,463 bales a ago" and stocks at the sumo points gain relatively on last year, 7400 bales. Liver pool was disappointing today, caoles attributing the failure to advance to everybody being long on statistics, futures closing 1'. to 2 points loner, while spots declined 4 points to 4.88(1 for middling. New 'Orleans opened steady, March a shade bettor than last night at 8.63S.64c, sold at 8.62c, but afterwards advanced on the small port movement on bad wevther and good local and outside assist!) nee, March closing 8.87&8.6SC, spots closed steady and unchanged; sales, bales; tC arrive, SnO bales: middling, l-2e.

Receipts tit all ports slnso September 1, 5,271,938 bales. This Is Interesting to thoss who made a guess otj the Atlanta Constitution Total ports today, 21,028 botes. GALVESTON. Galveston, Jan. 10.

Cotton Firm; middling, 11-16C; sales, 1447 bales; receipts, 6346 bales; stock, 209,872 bales. NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans. Jan. 10.

Cotton- Quiet; sales. 3200 bales; ordinary, 7 l-16c; good ordinary, 7 9-lc; low middling, 7 7-Se; middling. 8 1-2; good middling, 15-I6c; middling fulr, 5-Sc; 1 1 Company, Los Angeles, any inent mining men. Main Office Austin. Branch Office Brenharn.


CHICAGO BOARD OF TfRADE. TELEPHONES 461 iND 638. lf THK LOCAL HJ iBKETS. HItiES AND Hides Drj flints, grand, 161t and ever, n12 l-2c: drj nmt, sound, under 161b, X-2c: dry 'suits, sound, over togill.c; dry flint, i Jound, under 181b, I 1-So; wet salts, und, heavy, 7 l-2c; ret salts, sound, 1' jrht. Wool Free, med jum.

to 12 months, free from burs, 11 13c; free fine, 1-4 1-Jc. COUNTF iT PRODUCE. Quotations tin this head are for prices paid by i testers. Eggs Texas stock, 2324c. Poultry Chi ckenB and hens, roosters, broilers, turkey hens, gobblers, $7.00 9.1)0.

rucks $2. n- gem. 4.SO4.85. Butter lry, 15c; good country, 12c. TA JHNACEOU9 GOODS.

Farinar mub Goods Grits and hominy, 2 1- per pound; cream meal In M-n sa 606Oc: Balston Breakfast Vood. I iso; Scotch Oats. Friends' Oats, Atlas Oats. $2.90: Columbia Oats, HawKeye Oats, Ivory Oats, Breakfast. Banner Oats, AJax, 20-5, $3.85.

HOG- PRODUCTS. Ants Standard Brands, 14 1-4(5 14 i-ta; tor 14-16tb; California, 10 1-20 10 l-4o. iLar ComDound tierce. 909 l-4c; af tleme. 12 l-213c; 60-lb tins, l-4c; -tb tins, 7-tc: i-n tins, lo higher; Fairbanks lard, i 7-89c.

Bacon-i-Sacked. extra short clear, 1313 l-ic; regular short clear, 14 1-2 14 3-4c: breakfast, choice, 17 1-lc. Bacon Bellies 14 FLOUR. Flour Per barrel In 48-fb sacks, fancy high patent, half paj nt, 24-lb sacks, lOo higher; flour In wood, 16c uar bar rsl higher. m'ull '-KAY AND FEFlf)STUFFS.

1 Bran Pw 100 (yuunda, 91c. Wheat Bh4kMi Pr bushel, 8590c. i Corn No, 2, sacl. d. 80o October Corn Shipped, carload lots, per bushel.

Corn Chops Pure, Sl.2Si91.20. Oats Per bushel. North Texas, S2c; mixed No. 2, 44c. Hay South Texas prairie hay, green, 110; bottom hay, Johnson grars $10.00.

FRUITS. Lemons, Messina fancy, $4.00. Oranges Florida, Grapes Malaga, per barrel, $7.50. Bananas Per bunch, Apples Per barrel, Bayo, 4 2-834 1-2 navy, 4 6-Sc; Lima, 4 1-25 S-4c: 4 l-4c. ffEXAS AND WESTERN PODUCE.

Kraut In half 12.50; Kegs, 11.00. Onions New, per pound, 22 l-4c, Peppers Chile. 22 l-2c per pound. Peanuts Fancy H. 78c.

Potatoes New, 7680c per bushel. Sweet Potatoes Yams, SO 65c per bushel. Tomatoes Four basket crate, boxes, 75c. Black-eyed Peas l-i35 l-2e. Cabbage Crate, per pound.

1 8-4S2C SUGAR AND COFFER, Standard Granulated, 5 l-fc(g'3 l-4c; Standard cut loaf and powdered, 5 3-49 for half barrels add l-2c; Loulnlanu fancy yellow clarified. 4 7-85c; choice, i S-g4 3-4c; Dointno. 24-5 lb package, 1 l-2c per pound. Coffee Fair, l-29o: prime to choice, 9 l-49 S-4v. Cordova and iwashed Rio, 10 l-213c: peaberry, 12 17C "i Soasted Coffee Arlos.

list, S10.5D per case; Lion, list. $10,00 per case; $10.00 per case. See Jobber about delivery to railroad station. Roaated Coffee Bulk. 1220c EVAPORATED FRUITS.

Standard peaches, 2a-lb 7c Choice peaches, 25-lb boxes 7 l-2c Choice apricot 25-lb 8-4c Choice pears, 25-lb boxes So Prunes. 90-100 per cent basis 4 l-4 Larger slzesv l-2c differential advance. Fifty-pound boxes, l-4c less. 4 Cr. loose muscatels l-2c 2 Cr.

loose muscatels" 8c Cr. loose muscatels 7 l-2c Seedless raisins, loose seedless 8c 3 Cr. L. L. 1-4 boxes 3 Cr.

L. full boxes $190 1 lb. seeded raisins l-2c 1 lb. cleaned currants 9e Corsican citron. 10-lb boxes Fancy apples 8.

l-20ve E. F. PARKS, Correspondent CHRISTI GRAIN AND STOCK Capital and Surplus, $500,000. Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Stocks ftnd Bonds. Special attention given to Investments in railroad securities.

Private) wires to New York, New Orleans, Chicago and Kansas City exchanges. Marginal orders and hedges for spot buyers can be placed advantageously through this house. Commission on cotton, two points: grain, one-eighth; stocks, one-quarter. DRI5K1LL BLOCK. AUSTIN.

PHONE. 1004 OR 321. postal ot any failure or carelessness on their part. R. W.

LORANCE, Circulator. i MOYE VICKS, Attorney at Law. Room 8, First National Bank Building, Austin, Texas. Will practice in ail State and' Federal Courts. (4 4 J.

Wo wtlt itiQivinMniia tha crlwfncr -4, away of premium stamp9 and coupons after January 20. DEEN WALLING, Pure Food Grocers. PEOPLE'S BUILDING AND LOA ASSOCIATION. To Stockholders: In accordance with our cnarter ar by-laws, the annual election of s'evk directors! of the People's Building" a Loan Association of Austin will ocf will be open from 4 to 6 o'clock WILLIAM G. BELL, BecTI Your money refunded If you" find ehl randiea are not as represented.

Ausws Candy Kitchen, 913 Congress even' TRIED TO CONCEAL IT. Tt's the old story of "murder wili out." only in this case there'B no crime? A woman feels rundown, has baekach? or dyspepsia and thinks it's nothfnH and tries to hide It until she ftnarj break? down. Don't deceive yours Take Electric Bitters at once. It btl a reputation for curing IJver and Kidney troubles and will vivify your whole system. Ths wor forms of those maladies will qulcklyl yield to the curative power of Electria, Bitters.

Only 50, and guaranteed O. O. Yates, Druggist. Aiti- Open- High- Low- Clos- oles. Ing.

est, est. ing. Wheat I I Jen I 72 May 76H 76! 7G 76 July 73! 73l 73 73 Corn Jan 46Hi 464 iC 43! 44 434 July 42 42 42 427i Oats Jan I 32 May 34 34! 23 24 Vj July 31 31a 31 S1-T4 Pork Jan. 40 $17 40 May 16 12M 16 20 16 10 i 16 12'4 Lard I Jan. 9 80 i 9 SO 9 73 9 73 May 9 45 9 17i 9 42tl 9 42Vi July 9 30 9 30 9 30 9 30 Ribs I Jan.

i 3 63 May 8 82H 8 MH 8 8t French corded silks 13 cents at Misi Ji Cash quotations were aa follows: Flour, -steady; winter patents, S.50; spring patents, straight. No. 2 spring wheat. 7og7uc: No. 3, $Sj74c: No.

red, 72 1-4 tr72 6-Sc; No. 2 corn, 46 3-9c; No. 2 yellow. 46 3-8c; No. 2 oats, 32 3-4c; No.

2 white, 36 l-2c; No. 3 white, S3SC: No. 2 rye, 48c; good feeding barley, fair to choice malting, 46'i(-5ic; No. 1 flax seed, No. 1 northwestern, $1.23 1-2; prime timothy seed.

J3.83: mess pork, per lard, per 100 Ibn $9.73: short rib sides (loose), $5.62 1-2 S.St1: dry salted, shoulders (boxed). short clear sides (boxedi, $8.81 whisky, basis of high wines, clover, contract graft, Receipts 19.800 63,800 831,500 287,3001 Ships ments IS, 900 34.200 149.900 14.S00 Articles Flour, bbls. Wheat, Coin, bu Oats, bu. than ours. 1, NOTICE 10 All i olored Members of NatlonsJ Burial Association of America Travis County: On account of the defith of WiTin Bratton, end John H.

Roberts, notices have been mailed to all nie. bers for assessment No. 1. who are ly- nary 20, 1003, at the office of Will M. Tears, secretary and treasurer.

i-ast Sixth street. bei fail to receive their cards they please bring their certificate and the secretary will re ctipt for same. Oriole Prunes White Nectarines Evaporated Apples any in-. eive and t. til it: rie Chicago, a fine lot, We have just received from Reid, Murdoch 4 consisting of ml i TP fj Reindeer Apricols Oriole Apricols Moorpark Yellow Crawford Peaches White Peaches Peeled White Heath Peaches Reindeer Pears Oriole Pears Prunes ALL, IN DEEN Call or Phone Pure Food Grocers Ti?.

Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.