The Dallas Daily Herald (2024)

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The Dallas Daily Herald (1) Next item

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-.nllltATlCD WITH THE!
i ... 1 . -r-:
ladies' Hin Underwear !
This Department of our Home has this Season received at our hands ranch
more than In uiual ohure of comide rntliin And as a result wo am able to
To Effectually Introduce
This now Important Branch of nnr Business and Induce the ladies to give
ua a little of their time we shall for THIS WEEK OFFER
Some Striking Specialties !
ILotPliinChomlso and.
Drapers 36 cents.
llotFlneMmlln Chemise
Elegantly Trliunit'd 55c.
Better Quality Finer
is Extra Fine Quality of
Finer smile of Chlmese and
Drawers made up and Trim-
Trimmed In a Larger Num-
ber of Styles nt PRICES
Proportionately Low.
Ladles must come and seo
these GOolU to appreciate
Ladles' Sktrts lull ilio
and lenKth 50 cents.
Better quality. Tio; Trimmed
Willi rullles of Embroidery 75c .
Deep Cambric. Flounce two
clusters of tucks and Torchon
Lace. II. Ladles Uowns at 85c
D5c SI. 15 and upward. '
Cambric Clowns at SI. 15.
They Cannot Be Described You lust Use Them.
Ladles' Bridal Sets Corset Covers Dressing Sacqucs. Children's Short
Dresses at 40c be 65c b-e up to SC. Infants' Slips Robes and Skirts.
These two lines are but Just completed the LATEST ARRIVALS being put
ou Bale this week. In ULSTERS we are showing some original creations iu
We are showing all the. Latest Things la Summer Skirts Including that Latest and
lost Popular Novelty the Panier Skirt.
J! i mi
608-810 ELM STREET.
Tho Senate founders House Appoitleu-
meut Bill AmciidmcuU are
Offered and Acted Upon
In the House Mr. Foster Introduces
Hill Begiilatliig- Hallway
lYeiifht Tariffs.
Bill Introduced Settiugr Apart 1000.
000 Acres Tor the University
and Asylums.
The County Cenvlct Bill Passes to En-
Beports of llouse Committee arc Re.
' celved.
Seventeenth Legislature.
her Behind I Competitors!
Flannel Suits well worth $9.00 selling now at $7.00.
Flannel Suits well worth $11. 50 selling now at $9.00.
Flannel Suits well worth $12.50 selling now at $10.00.
Cassimere Suits well worth $noo selling now at $8.00.
StrawHats! StrnwHats!
608-610 ELM STREET.
Special to the Herald.
Austin April 24. The senate convened
pursuant to adjournment. The speaker
was in the chair; prayer was held by the
chaplain : the roll was called and the min-
.utes of the previous meeting were read. .
Tim t.iniA nf fliA tannin tn-.l.... ...- :
..'-v.. .j na uincil III
consideration of the house congressional ap-
iuiLiuiiiucii. uiii mm iue loiiowmg amend-
ments: . .
Kirst. Adil KliAlhv amiiiIv n .1.. .l.r..l
Second Change Navarro county from the
ninth tn ti n ill.trir.t" Mu.n...
- - - . . . B 1. .... . n .... I ilt
county from the sixth to the ninth district.
tk:..i . ni r i..v.i. r . .....
itiuu wiiauu uivb vuk iruiu tiiHseveuin
to the eighth district and I)e Witt countv
fpnm lit. .l.lfi tn u...ntl. .1:...-:... J
....... wv vh.u w Mvorciiui mainci.
In the discussion nn 4t
first amendment a motion w.i mn.ln
by Mr. Houston to recommit. Tothis Mr.
Stuart oll'ered an amendment by adding
tlmi. tliA rmiim!ttn Ka .ml .1 . ..
the Gulf coast into three or more districts.
lie supported ma amendment by a verv
able speech showing what he believed to be
an injustice to the coast counties in the bill
under consideration.
Mr. Houston accepted the substitute. A
vote was taken and the substitute lost.
The first amendment wag then adopted.
The Ttpnilinir min.Hnn n.lnn nn 1..
second amendment Mr. Rainev od-
posed the amendment because
he was satisfied that the citizens of
Navarro county did not wish to be con.
nected with a district in which Dallas
county was situated nor did the people of
which Navarro county was situated. To
adopt the amendment would create con fu-
sion in the district and be favored the bill
AH rennrlnd frnm ilin limn.
Mr. Martin opposed the amendment for
mo Dauio j-eusuno uuu oecause ne ueneved
that the house bill would be satisfactory to
Mr. Harris favored the amendment be-
CAllM It mniln Hia ilturrwita tnnM nn.nn...
He believed that the opponents to the
uiiieuuiueni were wnraing in lavor ot cer-
tain congressmen whom ho vehemently
Alinrnf.friftr.viwl a. P .1.. 1
.when they should be servants.
ir. uoss supported me amendment and
believed if it was adopted it would lie ui l.
factory to the people. The vote being taken
me ainentnneui was adapted.
The third amendment was adopted with
UUl llJli:il UlSCUBSUUU. . ... . .
Tending a motion of Mr. Houston chang-
ing the sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth
and eleventh; districts the senate ad-
journed. HOt'SK.
The following bills were introduced :
By Foster Prescribing the maximum
rates of freight to be charged by railroad
companies. The bill prescribes that rail-
road companies may charge not exceeding
35 cents per 1U0 pounds per 100 miles for the
transportation of freight over their roads
urn wie cnarges tor transportation SIWII be
unilorm and no mijnsi discrimination in
ratea nr nharifp. fnr tliu t.nuiini.i!nn ..i
any lreight shall bo made against any per-
.'.. Wl .IIMKV .... nJ I.IIIUnU III illC BlUie.
lly Carleton To pay the supermtcndiiiK
nrchitpnt of tlifl n.w nunitnl mn .nml.l O..L
ary of $25lX) and each of the (wnimlssion-
ii. c't''v. ivrierreu.
By Wood Setting apart and appropri-
ntiliflr frnm thn rp.prvi inn nr T..lw 1.1 K
187U 1000009 acres to the university ami
Agricultural and Mechauical college 1U0-
OuO acres to the l'rairie View school fur
the payment by the sale of these lauds of
the debts of ilnnlitfnl m.
lidity of the university and
iree schools and the opening
of the balance of tho reservation to the
location of the land certitlcates. Referred.
Wood also introduced a bill repealing the
law reserving from the proceeds of the sale
of land in the reservation one-half to the
free schools and half to the redemption of
the public debt lteferred.
Committee reports were received as fol-
lows: Kindred from the committee ou
state airuirs reported adversely on a bill
looking to the pensioning of veterans.
The committee urge as reasons
for their adverse report that the
subject-matter is contrary to (he provisions
of the constitution and the further reason
that the governor had withdrawn his re-
commendation In favor of inch a law.
Matlock for the committee on public
lands and the land office reported adversely
on the kill which reoentlv passed the sen-
ate appropriating 2000000 acres for tho
benefit of the university nut of the reserva-
tion made by the act of July 14. 1HT0. The
committee were unanimous In their report.
Matlock for the same committee reported
adversely on the houso bill to appropriate
V00i00 acres to the university.
Tnilll fur i La mmmlltn. nn liii.llnr u
.... . . vu. 1. V v.. . V H l . I VI 1 1 D
ported adversely In regard to tho referetiee
V ! " 11111 icgisiiiuiro 01 tuo memo-
rial Of t)l LTmnil Itin nn I tlA hMiuilliM
of the teachers' meeting of (irnvnon county
tn regard tn additional legislation and the
inciitiiiirii. in me constitution in regard to
tllltlltn Rphnnl- Inn Ultt tilth na at Aiina.liii.nH.I
1 .H.riHV HO t Wlldlll.tklUIIUI
4mimlincui cannot be aUoptcd at an extra
Todil for the Mine committee reported
an elecllon to be held on the first Tuewlny
after the first Monday tn November ltwi
for the location of a branch of the
the slate university for tho Instruction of
colored youths.
Todd for the same commltlco reported
favorably with amendment on Hutcheson's
hill to supply the deficiency of the l'rairie
lew norma school to purchase a library
weRon and mules and to pay for repairs
heretofore made and Inr il lllftana 1. 1 I.a
. B "J
late storm. '
llakfr for the financial committee re-
hnrtpfl A illK.llltllA fnr lh. tinnarn l.l.l . L
. . u. iliac
1n aptiroprlatlons fur the slate govern-
meut from March 1 1S32 to February
. iiw 'iuoiiiuiq gives
the lollowlng Itemst i'ompletinf
the lunatle aavlnni tmllillnnntiil .il.lnu..!
ones l."i0.tl0t). '
lompi-iitic work on the Rusk peniten-
tiary t;
Buiiport of Stale tHnllntlrle In nualh.
control of them la aMiuined by the state
and to buy material etc
HntlllnA nr.ll. I .n.. t. Jw L-II!. - r
w.v..... n..u vunuiiiUAUI m S.IUB Ol IQ
nn.iVti?.ie n CMI he 8t"' assumes
cor.1 rol of tne same $.100110.
To pay tor fitting up halls for the present
essionof the legislature .ono. -
10 buy the Raymond hotrse lor state de-
partments and the legislature $40000.
5 ltllnK lle me. .S00U.
liio cauiioittee's substitute authori.-
!VK i mm.lM"'er Spaight to engage addi-
tioniU clerical force out of the Jll.OOO ap-
propriation made by the seventeenth legis-
lature was taken up.
u nUlil.nV.v.e'! t0 "!sPelld tn rules and. put
a vii a mi luuu n'MiiinD1.
The house refused to suspend the rules.
1 lie nfllian roflliitt.1 trv aa-.... 41... kMI
peulinK the law prantinje land certiticAtei
to Vt!iHrnn ttiui ja...v..i . v
Wr!f.of P Ves 10 & nays.
n e nouse went into committee of the
Whole. I itton In iholini nM .1. i.:n
ing to tho purchase of the Kuymond house
and rose on motion of Uibson to report
progress utid ask leave to sit again to-morrow.
'1 he ohlcpt nt' thA ii.i i. .n
llloW h low I pnn.V...r. . "
other bids. r
The bill was enirrnuw.! nllnr-v:'. ti.
county commissioners courts to levy
taxes equal to one-half the maximum taxes
u'1 ov tue constitution and an occu-
pation tax equal to one-half that levied by
the state unless otherwise provided by
The countv conviet hill tIAfttftiOil in nnirm.n.
meut amended so that convicts
shall be entitled to a credit ol
50 cents a day on bis flno and costs each
day buudays iticluded. he may be hired
i''l hill nnlr!n .:i... 1
. T uiiufl lAiuilin-
n!s '? deliver goods as per charges in the
bill or lading and maklug them responsible
for every elm rue. came up.
Pending its completion the special order
of the hour the hill openitig the public
domain to the location of veteran ami Con-
federate certificates was tuken up and after
oi .v.n. nuiriiiiiueuiB W1W Oil 10011011 Ot
Roach luid on the table. Adjourned.
TllA nnnnptlniun.i.1 1111 .:ll ........ ..lit. n.
amendments adopted one of which puts
Congressmen Mills aud Wellborn in the
oniiic MPiiiui
A 8t. Louis company of capitalists havo
purchased ten acres in the Kiilmrhs to erect
a cotton seed oil factory to cost $30000
Work commences to-morrow.'
Dr. W.ti. Brolles of Gainesville secretary
heventaen members were present twenty-
seven absent. '
The guests were welcomed by an able ad-
dress from lr. Unfiles.
Several committees were appointed. Drs
FiUl.ugh tr. W. Tm.ler O. K. l'aine. J.
lv. Adanis Q B. .Mines were elected to
Kr. O. M. Read was elected an honorary
Dr. Johnson the president' dolivered an
able address. Several valuable essavson
various subjej-ts were read and ordered
sent to the Cialveston Medical Journal for
Resolutions of regret at the death of Ir.
Letterman of Krath county and lr.
Greshnm of this county were read and
ordered entered on tho minutes and copies
sent to the Medical Journal.
The following officer were elected : Dr.
J. T. Field president; Dr. Bates first vice-
oreMldpnt llr t.fttmnftfl mi.i ..:n.-n...i
dent; Dr. Sikes third vice-president; lr.
lirooks secretary; Dr. W. 0. Milli-
can treasurer; Dr. Jl. 8. Broiles. Dr.
luekcr and Dr. Buck board of censors.
' I he fourth Mondav in October was ap-
pointed as the time or the next meeting at
ll.lft llm-.-l ll'-U..
miv milium nens
l'r. trader was elected essayest.
Dr. Johnson on resigning his chair to Dr.
11'. 8' InaUe few appropriate remarks.
IllC NftlTAturV lllift.t r....l k.;u LV.aI.
J ' . Aft. II IB I I I 'Ul I. fiUUIl
member wan UNAitaKuii ao
After some other business' the meeting
jnv Willi II llrnftl. I.a.a I.
fiM . . ..nvnift... iift-m iw-iiuv.
Ihe Odd tn nan ol I ..iu a k i i...oi.i
. . . " 0v olMllft ftnl3n.Uk
Die-Ilia WmliipmU"
Run Amtoiila.
Special to the Herald.
San Antonio April 23.-Count Dudon
tJOKeroman returned to-day from Castro
Mile where he appeared to answer tho
charge ot theft of money from a merchant
ot Kerr county. No witnesses appeared
against him and at the renuest of his ooun.
sel the case was dismissed. This case baa
oeen penning lor three years and Is re
(Mrmiil ntt a tiltninua .......11...
I I' i.H.iv.iutio 1IUE.1;.
J IIIIMII nn i vB urn nu ii .Hlim. . . n n 1
bDivulUII)f lllll AI1III
versary of the independence of theircountry
8an Antonio April 24. lingo Conrad a
mciimhm inriuer resiuing east ol tins city
llli'lilml V..I...I... I... ..I--: - .1 . 1
Mr.lltnli.fl A
uilttee and I'htees Mr. Ship
berd Iu Terr
blous Light.
Tho Versatile Shlpherd Rofutod ntAll
agiuia and Confusion U
Worse Confouiided.
The Sew York Post on Fntmi-s Thtr
htock Market.
UalvAamn suicided Yesterday. lv nlnninir a ilmilili
Special totheHorald. - . barrelled shot-gun loaded with buckshot
Gaiteww AprU 24.-I.ocal market for ."u?'!8i Jaws un( ..eP.l0'inK t by touch-
.not pntnn nM.n... on 7 V" " Kger wun ins loot. ts entire
V n... X. i i " . "'i" ' uaa was mown to atoms fie cause i as
r utures opened narely steady closed amii. surned. He Sales COO bales. W. D. Howell. Bintlst missionary ha.
lue nisiiOD OI .Monterey in ATiippt prl tn l. In. t ...i r.. n-..i . ;
inoi.or nr ttVi. (.. I """"i' BB 8 ltu eleven tnnioay scnools. Howe 1
tanner ol this citv. next Hiinilnv lAKtnMiotn.i n.. jli j .
nu.'r .-ft - ... . . . . .-...wnuitirfti uir iw DUlluar scuoois ir
Auei.u. u. r win celebrate their 031 Texas and souaku pncn.iriilnl nf P.
WAnT.f.rJ atthe lavI10.l'y cocrt testant prosnectg iu Mexico ficreUdore
The Union depot is undergoing a thor-
ough system of repairs and theintoiior is
being remodeled throughout.
Extensive preparations are being made
'for the aniiiml reunion of Terry'i Texas
Rangers at the Pavilion on the 2d of May.
Generals Wheeler and Smith are expected
to be present and to participate In the fes-
tivities. An nrrlpr vm mailp In lA TT.tinj c .
rcuit court to-day on the petition of Don
Special to the Herald.
BeLTOX. Auril 24 Yesterday
fire broke out In thn fnmlf lira altnn nf T J
j ... uiuiutva imu nuuio
house was wrapped in flumes. There was
aisoa uouse burned belonging to Mrs. J
Th elrlvAim inrrlnir nn.l nnll..1 .l
ii . n. - I'IjIIIIUII 11 UUU I w.. ... Hitu iriui;u WOitrr Oil
l'edro O. Cnvazas of Monterey Mexico bv he buildings rapidly but had no facilities
Inmo. 13 r-nw nf A ..I . 1 . 1 lift. l.nn.l I. I . .h uua ui Auuuni leW XOrK niS I J iinnu ii-iiiiciir it iniposioiH 1
a'tirney. Cavaxos being the heir of Maria ?ave the adjoining buildim. Kocklev
Jose fa CaVHZOS. rennirinir Iia nnnnn. n MOSS is estlmuteil nt. Ahnnf .l (lllll 'Pi
l.ln. nf i mm' ". l'"J" l" .. .!.... .7 "i."i
'" ui sivw uuu nir.riipii lnrnreiir nnr.
. l nmo OlkUlllUU. BUOI1L llAI VIHll IM 11 tllAJ
iiiii iiiuuuy ijbiu Uy mB unncu states lor I "i""'i "m re was wiinin a very snort
inn naiioiuii cemetery at fort Brown in """oe 01 tne opera-notise and ir it had " " K:"ri ougn 01
the city nf Itrntviii-nillA .nn.n Icaiiiht. flrn Hia ml. .la nn.n n.i.i i 18 a very larse lie out tli
PrOCPPilini'R wprn tuknn n. 1l.Kn....utn e OUrilpH. TOnrlnnnliilv 41. n.i.wl r u. I tlllUK It Will renllirA A
I.. . .. -. n" n inn nun iniiu i .. : r i . ..
I Him Mm lli Kln...ln II - t . . I timitlon tn InenlA U '1
. !...uu u. iiaiiiBB luwuni LIIH I
-n- ...nv.ii n. AJiwniiBVIlIU lUr
the condemnation of this property under
.annui mn Biaieui i exas lor mo pur
lcs of a national cemetery and the prop-
-T H 1 1 "etween me oity
of Brownsville and Mnria Jnsefa CavazoB
as purchase money as fixed.was issued into
court to abide the result of that litigation.
The suit in question decided in favor of
Maria Josefu Cavnzos in the United States
circuit court at Cialveston was alllrmed by
the supreme court or the United States.
The principal with the interest amounts to
Overton. '
Special to the Herald.
Overton At iX 24. The Odd Fellows are
making extensive preparations for their
celebration to come oil" nt this place on the
Some interest Is manifested here as to
the apportionment bill now before the leg-
islature. Colonel Jiimcs H. Bonner of
Henderson is regarded as the most availa-
ble man for coneres from the third district
as reported by the coinmiltoes of the house
and senate.
Dick Hubbard is first choice for governor
If he will allow Ids name to go before the
stale convention.
Two gold medals have been offered by
two of our liberal citizens for the victors in
the elccutinnary contest to take place ai
the close of the term.
Roverend W. B. Rankin of Austin will
hold the annual meeting of the American
Bible'society to-night.
Farm and fruit prospects are excellent.
Bpeclal to tho Herald.
Maiuhai.. April 21. District court con-
yened to-dav Hon. A. J. Booty on the
bench. Ed. Sliavcy district attorney is on
hand looking after the state's Interests.
The grand jury was duly empanneled and
have gone to work in good earnest.
Major H. Keatx leaves for the front to-
morrow morning via Texarkana and will
pay as he goes.
The weather is delightful.
Cieneral I.nne and other old veterans
have returned and are profuse in praise ol
the good people of Wano for the generous
hospitality extended them durlng tho meet-
Ing ot the old veterans
Special to the Herald.
ConstcAMA April 24. Mr. O. C. Hcrron
our city engineer leaves to-night lor Austin
with a plauol ourctty to confer with the Hol-
ly water works representatives with refer-
ence to the putting up at this place of that
system of water works. The movement was
started through the instrumentality of our
representative Hon. Bryan T Barry and
oacaoa oy our city minors n is something
no aaatirniufft nf
setsoti or a guard
tern will give i
ThA Vifrrnn
the 1st of May.
Bpeclal to th Herald.
Hiarxk April 21. A man was found
about a uuartcr of a mile from she main
part nf the city dead who had committed
suicide here by taking morphine and lauda-
num. HiipKised to have happened about
24 hours hours ago as the body was In a
bad oonditlnn. The party was a stranger
here. All the papers and memoranda
were destroyed which contained writing
and no clue to the cnune ot such a rash
deed except the fact that he was badly dis-
Crops are looking finely.
Fori Worth ' ! .
peelalto ths Herald.
V.n Wnn.n A nrll Ol Tl.n Y---1I .
unin nmi ftii-m. -lUriOWBSl
Texas Medical awoclatlon convened at 10:00
thoroughly Catholic.
the south blowing the llamea toward the
District court met this morning according
to nninnrnniniit nml ln nBn nr i.
..DC mi iiiu oiniii
vs. I.ugene Mcthvin charging him with be-
tig implicated in the killing of Shoriff
sweet at tins place lust fall was taken up.
El Taso
Special to the Herald.
Ei. Paso April 24. A dispatch' received
hern tn-rlnv frnm Pnlnnnt f l n : . 1
eitiKAtl nt I .nrilotinrir M.'.I.J -
. r-- -"'"nt 1U..IVU BIIVB llllll I Urill
the Apaches killed live persons four miles jury
..ii nf ruriA im . .... I.
... u. jcaii-iunjr. iiih rcu uevus
attacked Die Detroit Smclllm. utnrlr. !
were repulsed with a lues of two of their
men and six horses. About 2P0 of
uieui.nnder.Ju andIen;croHsedLhe Sail Fran
Cisco river below the Smelling-company fol
lowing uie old trail through Devil's canyon
....I... i.. .I. it . .-I
"ii n MinuiuBiiu .iiexicu. anout iweniV'
OVA flf tllfllll ni-n.ftlflll 1A Ilnnllt
- ......-"v.. uuiuitcn 4 AlilllU
track twenty miles west' of Iiord.shurg in
ohft. ft i I paBBiur; Hum Hininz mo iracK
hat Transpired in the Capital let-tertlay-Sajinss
of the Solou
of the House.
Crimes and CasualtIe.Fhes and Fall.
Forolrn and Domestic
- ... -.. ....j mn iiiiii i iiieri
for a week nr so in expectation of the com
nig ui inn iuaus i ress association
' l.anipasan.
Special to tho Itcrald.
I.AMPHAHj Ajiril 2I.-.T. M. Kiiney War-
ren JellrlesaiKl 11. F Loving who broke
. ail at Burnet a few days ajro woro arrested
in Corvelle county vtstenlay by olllccrs
from Burnet and this county awiistcd by
citizens of (.'oryelle having made light with
dou ilc-lmrrelcd guns. Three shals were
fired but without effect. The prisoners
were lodged in jail hero last night ami car-
ried tn Unmet to-duy.
The Santa Ke railway track Is four miles
from town to niaht. Hacks meet tho con-
struction train dally to carry passengers to
town. Building is stoiidily progressing
live two-story buildings just begun
mother pleasant.
Washington Notea. ' :
WASltmuTOIt April 24. Mr. Hlln .r
Beared befora ths r.r.i.n .ir.: .:.77
... I J 1 a i -y0. uu.ll I-UII1U1ILHW
and denied the various statemenU of hhip-
lit -J ? .'vuiciu ifitera trora Senator
lllair Cragln and others to support his de-
nial ot Shipherd's statements that he told
....i- me oner ot $.001)00 to Hurlbnt. .
wii m-vcinoer itu lllaine Instriictetl
Hiirlhnt nol tn .rt.ift.l nn nn.i ...: v
. .... ii u .mill uuii r.i ui
tins government to the purchase of tho
claim. .(Sh ithenl'i lti--rr.ri..- . i...
InTi'r.'V'f A1'.9 l!im already been
PUhlislied.) Tn H liui. ...k...i .it...
I ...I. i --n.i.iw iiiiui-fti ilia nn ;
took p easure In commending Hurlbut'a
rMm. in aiin.l 1.1... . n
... hhiihiK iiiineno corrcspondviice
in the case and added : "Perhaps 1 should
mitigate somewhat the severity of mv
language in view of the tioasibif.
uy ot the fact that Shlpherd $'
not who Iv In I.;- . ij it
tills ended the correspondence between
j..- ueiiiiruneni and Minister Hurl-
hilt. All Ilia IVi..lAai !!
mm VU' IIUI U1U11U.
linnniniif ii.ritiUni . uiir... ii .a
i im..l HUB inure not
subsequent dispatch ? t
".uuiC rA mineu timtttie I'cruvmn com- .
nanv aucvPHitarl in 41. r-.i. .
1- '- '"IO VA'VIIVV VltlUIl HIHI
Hhipliercl informed him that exenator
Conkling and Eaton would booh start Ibrv
; a. IIuirt ana auer that be
Wrote the dlfltlRtch anh aii aI......
be given where Americans of hiuh
r?nlcw?re. "'tereated. In the case or
I'eruyian. ln behalf of which the depart-
mAtlT rnutil nn. .U- .1 '
. . ""'J v" tirc*msiancea
use its otllcers but tho Peruvian company.
Yi V .'"T" conany waa entitled
to the kind olllces of our ministor in any
lnirnnftranllnn I i f
...1 iuai uiigui. oo mane in re-
gurd to Shipherd's story about the Xl000
bribe ollurud to Hnrlhut ih. r.ii. i
ter was read t
Washinotom Apill 10.-Hon. James Q Hlalnei
Dkar Sir: I never heard Bhlpherd state
to you that he had otrered Hurlbnt 250-
000 StOCK. I never ho.isl ln .....In
fn.t' 8u ?n'"r Unlil 1
in the published reports In evidence before
the foreign afl'alrs committee.
ISiimed. Hesry W. BLAin:" "
1 u" .oiuiiiurieuersoiuoniai rrony
ex-Secretary lloutwell 8cott Land ex-Sena-
.... v.M.a.. uuu iinuiu a. ivuuenson. nnu
r adding: "inero
IAPA nii.1 T iliin'l
very searching inves
Blaine then road his (Blalno's) correspoiv-
donco with SecrctaKV Evarts in which the .
latter denied that Shlpherd had ever given
any opinion or been aiked to give any
whatever in regard to the Cochet claim ;
that be was absent iu Europe and did not.
know until his return and then only
through the public prints that Shlpherd'
had been using his name.
"I have not" said Blaine "the slightest '
nCHilntinn In Ha vim. that !!... OU1V.I I
. . V ;"r ". mio iiiiiu Diniiuvru
should be sent before the grand jury for
perjury. It is Hut unqualified per-'
jury on ins part that ouht to be
proprny pumsiicd. lllaine read a letter
from I'llmere in which the following pas-
sage occurs: "In regard to my alleged
atatcment I had seen the marginal'
note. 't!o in Steve' I need not assure
you it is absolutely false."
Chairman Williams reminded witness
be had not yet supplemented tills state-
ment of Elmero'g with any denial of hia
own to which Blaine responded:
- I i?iy ""'" 11 ig io iraca -vi. sin u is an abso In c y detestab e ont
walker. It is said that they will camp there ofthe whole cloth lie. and 1 don't think the
for a week nr so in exDcctut on of th mm. man ii'...n.i i...l h "".
Suicided f 1
Drtroit Mitrr. April 24. Tho wife of
Charles Nettle a brakeman on the Mlchi.
gan Central wns found in bed thismorninjr
with a bullet in her brain which entored at
the left eye. She is still alive hut no hopes
of recovery are entertained. She had lived
apart from her husband tome time and
kept company with one Juines Brown
with whom she pretended to board. She
was known to be in an Intoxicated condi-
tion last evening.
Brown has been arrested rending ex-
amination whether ho caused her condition
or suicide.
At Thishing (lencsseo countv. Sntnr.
E. flnnt .ml Jnlin rlnrrlunn Im. t-....
1 . .... . - ... mruitinj
In Morris (ienessee county quarrelled over
an old feud yesterday when the son of the
latter struck Root wi'h an axe Indicting a
wound which will probably prove lutal.
The National Nuisance
Cm. iKrtATi. p. April 21. The Detroite
won in the il Ah Innings six In sixth: Cin-
cinnati fourth and seventh.
Kmi-oria. Kahpas April 24.-The match
game of base ball for tho newspaper chain-
plnnsh n o l.yon county between the nine
' ''"Uy ea and the nine ofthe Dally
Republican was played this afternoon at 4
2 .k.' a.Pd WM witnetsed by a large num.
ber Of ladles and gentlemen. At the nlose
ofthe sixth Ining the score stood: News
2!: Keptibllran. 11). The game was then
called and ihe'News nine declared winner.
All til . Nrll : nrtnlAr nrn nlnl..l..
. . u ivjuii;)!;
It was a ' biz and unexpected
iSmrSr W J.Z jf T." . bte nd VPted victory drownetl. He leavea
rnrnln;iir n!nV "uomj obaiiaed band over lie was about ft) year old
ninn iHnfsnnnH mlml ii
Blaine then desired to say something In
relation to the intorviow between Shlpherd'.
and Hurlbut Inasmuch aa Shipherd'B ver-
sion involved the good name of the dead
president and the dead minister. He then
read Shipherd's version and with the re-
mark " With both of these gentlemen UcatS
It may be a mntter of some difficulty lo
tlisnrove these statements except inferen-
tially but It seems to be tbo grossest hd-
hoods and 1 will endeavor to Iliow it to be
tlie case." He then pointed out th '
absurdity of Shipherd's .version : lly the-
latter's appoltment they sat upon a sofa
in a public corridor: nrid he denied such in-
terview as Shlpherd describes and utterly
discredited any other explanation than that
Shlpherd seeing by the papers that Hurl-'
but was at the Fifth Avenue hotel waylaid
him and secured a moiety ol casual talk in
public. Blaine characterized in the most
forcible language the presumption or
Shipherd in assuming to speak for lVsi-
dent simply Infamous and with
eloquent vehemence declared he was pre-
pared to take the moat lolemn oath to
firm were his convictions that President
Oarlleld went to bis death without ever
having seen or heard of Shlphord or hia
claim. At this point Blaine called atten-
tion to some of the questions asked Hbip-
herd by Belmont concerning the Landreau
claim which he sad put worda in his
(Blaine s) mouth which he did not use.
Belmont refused to discuss tho question
nt this time and the committee adjourned
till Wednesday when the examination will
be resumed.
Secretary Polger' letter of opposition to
the Carlisle bill was luid before the liouw
Hnancinl committee this mornin. and fully
diacussed but no action was taketi. . The
committee adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow
morning when tho matter will be re-
sumed. Secrotary Folger strongly eppoarn
an Indefinite extension ofthe bonded period
for whisky and ne considers the leakago al-
lowed as excessive and does not approve of
the liberty given distillers to transport to
any bonded warehouse within the same '
district product! of their still. He holds
that would enable the distiller to take ad-
vantage of the government in tho event or
a panlo or great depreciation in Value tn 4
whisky by leaving it indefinitely in tho
bands of the government.
It. Joe Incident.
8t Jokrth April 21 A man named '
John Baker committed suicide here this
morning at 7:11). Ha placed the mnxxlo ol a
ninsket in his mouth pulling the tripper
with bis toes the whole charge golnp;
through the palate of bit mouth. lie waa
OD tear old. '
Yesterday morning George Erb an S
carpenter was returning home intoxlrafed.
It fell IninthA Mllrhnll miun . .....
wsi drowned. He leavea a family of four.

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The Dallas Daily Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 126, Ed. 1 Tuesday, April 25, 1882,newspaper, April 25, 1882; Dallas, Texas. ( June 27, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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